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category: to learn in school
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 5
translation: right, just, proper, correct, accurate, exact, amend, reform, rectify
sei, shou
正しい: tadashii: right (a.), just, proper, correct, accurate, exact, rightful, lawful, legitimate, sound, righteous, upright, truthful, honest
正しく: tadashiku: rightly, properly, honestly, correctly
正ない: tadashikunai: wrong, unjust, dishonest, improper, illegal, incorrect
正す: tadasu: correct (v.), amend, reform, rectify, set right, revise, adjust
正: kami: chief, superior, head (fig.) <<<
正に: masani: just (adv.), exactly, precisely, surely, certainly, really
正しく: masashiku: surely, certainly, no doubt
正にしようとする: masanishiyoutosuru: be about [going] to do, be on the point [brink, verge] of doing
正しくしようとする: masashikushiyoutosuru
正: akira, kami, sada, taka, tada, tsura, nao, nobu, masa, masashi: pers.
Kanji words: 正式 , 更正 , 正午 , 矯正 , 訂正 , 改正 , 正解 , 校正 , 正気 , 正味 , 正確 , 公正 , 正直 , 正月 , 適正 , 正面 , 正念 , 正道 , 補正 , 正常 , 純正 , 正義 , 修正 , 正当 , 不正 , 正体 , 正規
Expressions: 襟を正す , 秩序正しく , 正比例 , 姿勢を正す , 正方形 , 正方形の , 規律正しい , 規律正しく , 貞操の正しい , 正会員 , 正社員 , 正多角形 , 検事正 , 礼儀正しい

category: to learn in school
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 11
translation: accuse, decry, torture, harass
seki, shaku, sai
責め: seme: responsability, torture
責める: semeru: torture, put (a person) to torture, harass, worry, call [bring] (a person) to account, take [call, bring] (a person) to task (for doing), criticize, censure, reproach, accuse
責め苛む: semesainamu: torture, treat (a person) cruelly, maltreat <<<
責めて: semete: at least, at most, at best
Kanji words: 問責 , 責任 , 免責
synonyms: 非難

category: to learn in school
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 12
translation: cut (off), judge (ext.), justice, judgment, decision
sai, zai
裁つ: tatsu: cut (off) <<<
裁く: sabaku: judge, decide, try
裁き: sabaki: justice, judgment, decision
裁きを受ける: sabakioukeru: be judged, be tried <<<
Kanji words: 制裁 , 独裁 , 総裁 , 体裁 , 裁可 , 裁判 , 洋裁 , 和裁 , 裁縫 , 裁判所 , 裁定

category: to learn in school
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 12
translation: tribute, proof, evidence
証: akashi
Kanji words: 査証 , 検証 , 証書 , 公証 , 認証 , 証明 , 暗証 , 証人 , 証言 , 保証 , 証券 , 証拠 , 追証 , 証文
Expressions: 外出証 , 受取証 , 車検証 , 学生証 , 会員証 , 許可証 , 通行証 , 免許証 , 健康保険証 , 滞在許可証 , 運転免許証 , 借用証

category: to learn in school
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 19
translation: admonish, warn, punish
kei, kyou
警める: imashimeru: admonish (a person against doing, a person not to do), warn, punish <<<
Kanji words: 警護 , 警察 , 警戒 , 警官 , 警備 , 県警 , 警報 , 警視 , 警部 , 警告 , 警笛

category: common usage
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 5
translation: prisoner, imprisoned
囚える: toraeru: imprison, jail <<<
Kanji words: 囚人
Expressions: 死刑囚 , 脱獄囚 , 模範囚

category: common usage
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 6
translation: punishment, penalty, sentence, law, rule
kei, gyou
刑を科する: keiokasuru: condemn (a person) to a penalty, sentence (v.) <<<
刑に処する: keinishosuru <<<
刑に服する: keinihukusuru: serve [submit to] one's sentence <<<
刑: nori: law, order, rule <<< ,
刑: shioki: punishment, penalty, sentence (n.) <<< 仕置
刑る: kubikiru: decapitate
Kanji words: 減刑 , 刑事 , 刑法 , 処刑 , 流刑 , 刑期 , 死刑 , 刑務所
Expressions: 終身刑 , 刑の軽減 , 刑を軽減する , 罰金刑 , 刑を執行する

category: common usage
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 7
translation: admonish, warn
kai, ke
戒める: imashimeru: admonish (a person against doing, a person not to do), warn, punish
戒め: imashime: lesson, instructions, admonition, reproof
Kanji words: 懲戒 , 警戒 , 哨戒 , 戒厳

category: common usage
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 8
translation: authorization, avoid, escape, evade, free, release
men, ben
免れる: manukareru, manugareru: escape, get rid of, avoid, evade, be exempted [free, immune] (from)
免れ難い: manukaregatai, manugaregatai: unavoidable, inescapable <<<
免す: yurusu: admit, permit, grant, free, release <<<
Kanji words: 免職 , 免状 , 免疫 , 免税 , 免許 , 御免 , 免除 , 免責
Expressions: 罪を免れる , 難を免れる , 被害を免れる , 災難を免れる , 危害を免れる

category: common usage
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 8
translation: prosecute, pursue, chase
劾める: kiwameru: pursue, chase, seek after

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