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Direct access: 合の子 , 跡取 , 跡目 , 兄貴 , 一家 , 一緒 , 奥様 , 叔父 , 大人 , 御兄


pronunciation: ainoko
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 間の子
keyword: family , biology
translation: crossbreed, hybrid (n.), mongrel, metis
合の子の: ainokono: crossed, hybrid (a.)
related words: 混血 , ハイブリッド


pronunciation: atotori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: inheritor, successor, heir, heiress (f.)


pronunciation: atome
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: inheritance
跡目を継ぐ: atomeotsugu: succeed (a person), inherit the family property <<<


pronunciation: aniki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: my [our] (dear) elder brother


pronunciation: ikka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: a family, a household, a home, one's family
一家の長: ikkanochou: head of the family <<<
一家を構える: ikkaokamaeru: make one's home <<<
一家を支える: ikkaosasaeru: support one's family <<<
一家を成す: ikkaonasu: be an authority (on) <<<
一家言: ikkagen: one's own opinion (on, about) <<<
一家の主人: ikkanoshujin: master of a house <<< 主人
一家の主婦: ikkanoshuhu: mistress of a house <<< 主婦
一家心中: ikkashinjuu: whole family suicide <<< 心中
一家団欒: ikkadanran: fireside <<< 団欒
天皇一家: tennnouikka: imperial family <<< 天皇
related words: 家庭 , 家族


pronunciation: issho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: total, whole, ensemble
一緒の: isshono: together, simultaneous
一緒に: isshoni: accompanied, together with, at the same time, simultaneously
一緒にする: isshonisuru: put [bring] together, mix up
一緒に成る: isshoninaru: be united with, mix with, get married <<<
一緒に住む: isshonisumu: live with a person, live under the same roof <<<
一緒に寝る: isshonineru: sleep together, share the bed <<<
一緒に歌う: isshoniutau: sing in chorus <<<
私と一緒に: watashitoisshoni: with me <<<
君と一緒に: kimitoisshoni: with you <<<


pronunciation: okusama
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: Madame, Mrs., Lady
奥様は魔女: okusamawamajo: Bewitched (US TV series, 1964-1972) <<< 魔女
related words: 夫人


pronunciation: oji
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 伯父
keyword: family
translation: uncle
叔父さん: ojisan
大叔父: oooji: great uncle <<<
antonyms: 叔母


pronunciation: otona
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: adult (n.), grow-up
大人の: otonano: adult (a.), grow-up
大人びた: otonabita: mature, precocious
大人びる: otonabiru: look like a grow-up person, be precocious
大人ぶる: otonaburu: behave like a grow-up person
大人に成る: otonaninaru: become a man [woman], grow up <<<
大人気無い: otonagenai: childish, puerile, unworthy of a man
大人しい: otonashii: gentle, mild, meek, quiet, well-behaved, obedient, modest
大人しい色: otonashiiiro: quiet colors <<<
大人しく: otonashiku: gently, quietly, meekly, obediently, modestly
大人しくする: otonashikusuru: behave oneself, keep quiet, be good
大人しさ: otonashisa: obedience, docility
related words: 子供


pronunciation: onii
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: my elder brother
御兄さん: oniisan

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