Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25
Direct access: 一日 , 一年 , 一番 , 一部 , 一枚 , 一面 , 一目 , 胃腸 , 銀杏 , 一覧


pronunciation: ichinichi, tsuitachi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 1日
keyword: calendar
translation: a single day, one day, the whole day, all day long, the first day
一日で: ichinichide: in one day
一日置きに: ichinichiokini: every other day <<<
一日に付き: ichinichinitsuki: a day, in a day <<<
一日中: ichinichijuu: all day long <<<
一日一日と: ichinichiichinichito: day by [after] day, daily
一日の仕事: ichinichinoshigoto: day's work <<< 仕事
良い一日を: yoiichinichio: Have a nice day! <<<
十年一日: juunennichijitsu: without any change for long years <<< 十年
related words: 毎日


pronunciation: ichinen
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 1年
keyword: calendar
translation: a [one] year
一年毎に: ichinengotoni: year by [after] year, yearly <<<
一年置きに: ichinenokini: every other [second] year, biennially <<<
一年中: ichinenjuu: all the year round <<< , 年中
一年目: ichinenme: the first year <<<
一年生: ichinensei: first-year-grade boy [girl], freshman <<<
一年生植物: ichinenseishokubutsu: annual plant <<< 植物
一年草: ichinensou <<<
一年に一度: ichinennniichido: once a year <<< 一度


pronunciation: ichiban
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 1番
keyword: sport
translation: first (n.), top, best
一番の: ichibannno: first (a.), top, best
一番目の: ichibanmeno: the first <<<
一番良い: ichibannii: the best <<<
一番悪い: ichibanwarui: the worst <<<
一番星: ichibanboshi: first twinkling star <<<
一番鶏: ichibandori: the first cockcrow <<<
一番茶: ichibancha: the first pick of tea <<<
一番手: ichibante: avant-garde, first line, first row <<<
一番打者: ichibandasha: lead-off man, first batter <<< 打者
一番勝負: ichibanshoubu: one-game contest <<< 勝負
一番列車: ichibanressha: the first train <<< 列車
一番弟子: ichibandeshi: the first [best] disciple <<< 弟子
一番抵当: ichibanteitou: the first mortgage <<< 抵当
related words: 第一 , 一位


pronunciation: ichibu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: a part, a portion, a copy, some part
一部の: ichibuno: partial, some, local
一部の人々: ichibunohitobito: some people <<<
一部始終: ichibushijuu: the whole story
一部始終を語る: ichibushijuuokataru: give full particulars (of), tell the whole story (of)


pronunciation: ichimai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: unit
translation: one sheet, one leaf
一枚岩: ichimaiiwa: monolith <<<
一枚岩の団結: ichimaiiwanodanketsu: monolithic unity <<< 団結
一枚看板: ichimaikanban: the star, the prima donna, the main policy <<< 看板
紙一枚: kamiichimai: one sheet of paper <<<


pronunciation: ichimen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: whole surface, one side, an aspect, a phase, the front page
一面に: ichimennni: all over
related words: 全面


pronunciation: ichimoku, hitome
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 1目
keyword: unit , game
translation: a glance, a stone (of go game), a point
一目置く: ichimokuoku: yield the palm (to), rate a person superior to oneself <<<
一目瞭然: ichimokuryouzen: be clear at a glance
一目均衡表: ichimokukinkouhyou: Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (a financial chart)
一目散に: ichimokusannni: at full speed <<<
一目散に逃げる: ichimokusannninigeru: take to one's heels, run (away) for one's life <<<
一目で: hitomede: at a glance
一目で解る: hitomedewakaru: understand at a glance <<<
一目見る: hitomemiru: have a glimpse of, sneak a peek <<<
一目惚れ: hitomebore: love at first sight <<<
一目惚れする: hitomeboresuru: fall in love at first sight
related words: 囲碁


pronunciation: ichou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs
translation: stomach and intestines
胃腸の: ichouno: gastrointestinal, digestive
胃腸が弱い: ichougayowai: have a weak digestion <<<
胃腸が強い: ichougatsuyoi: have a good digestion <<<
胃腸を壊す: ichouokowasu: have a stomach disorder <<<
胃腸病: ichoubyou: gastroenteric disorder, digestive ailment <<<
胃腸病学: ichoubyougaku: gastroenterology <<<
胃腸炎: ichouen: gastroenteritis <<<
胃腸カタル: ichoukataru <<< カタル
胃腸薬: ichouyaku: medicine for the stomach and bowels <<<
胃腸病院: ichoubyouin: hospital for the stomach and bowels <<< 病院
胃腸障害: ichoushougai: stomach [digestive] disorder <<< 障害


pronunciation: ichou, ginnnan
kanji characters: ,
other spells: イチョウ
keyword: tree
translation: ginkgo, maidenhair tree, ginkgo nut


pronunciation: ichiran
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: look (n.), glance, reading, summary, epitome
一覧する: ichiransuru: have a look (at), glance through
一覧表: ichiranhyou: list <<< , リスト
一覧後: ichirango: after sight <<<
一覧払い: ichiranbarai: payable at a sight <<<
一覧払い手形: ichiranbaraitegata: sight bill [draft], bill payable at a sight <<< 手形

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