Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25
Direct access: 一理 , 一流 , 一輪 , 一連 , 一家 , 一回 , 一階 , 一角 , 一格 , 一括


pronunciation: ichiri
kanji characters: ,
translation: some reason
一理ある: ichiriaru: There is some reason


pronunciation: ichiryuu
kanji characters: ,
translation: first class [order], uniqueness, peculiarity
一流の: ichiryuuno: of the first class [order], top-notch, unique, peculiar
一流校: ichiryuukou: prestigious school <<<
一流企業: ichiryuukigyou: first-rate [blue-ribbon] corporation <<< 企業
一流ブランド: ichiryuuburando: name brand <<< ブランド
related words: 一等


pronunciation: ichirin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: flower , transport
translation: a (single) flower, a wheel
一輪の: ichirinnno: single-flowered, single-wheeled
一輪挿し: ichirinzashi: single-flower vase <<<
一輪車: ichirinsha: monocycle, unicycle, wheelbarrow <<<


pronunciation: ichiren
kanji characters: ,
translation: a ream, a series, a chain
一連の: ichirennno: a ream of, a series of, a chain of


pronunciation: ikka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: a family, a household, a home, one's family
一家の長: ikkanochou: head of the family <<<
一家を構える: ikkaokamaeru: make one's home <<<
一家を支える: ikkaosasaeru: support one's family <<<
一家を成す: ikkaonasu: be an authority (on) <<<
一家言: ikkagen: one's own opinion (on, about) <<<
一家の主人: ikkanoshujin: master of a house <<< 主人
一家の主婦: ikkanoshuhu: mistress of a house <<< 主婦
一家心中: ikkashinjuu: whole family suicide <<< 心中
一家団欒: ikkadanran: fireside <<< 団欒
天皇一家: tennnouikka: imperial family <<< 天皇
related words: 家庭 , 家族


pronunciation: ikkai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 1回
keyword: time
translation: once, one time, a round, a game
一回に: ikkaini: at a time
一回で: ikkaide: straightaway
一回目: ikkaime: the first time <<<
一回戦: ikkaisen: the first round, one round <<<
一回分: ikkaibun: a dose, an installment <<<
一回忌: ikkaiki: the first anniversary of the death <<<
第一回: daiikkai: the first <<<
一月に一回: hitotsukiniikkai: once a month <<< 一月
related words: 一度 , 二回


pronunciation: ikkai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 1階
keyword: house
translation: the first floor (us), the ground floor (uk)
一階の家: ikkainoie: one-storied [one-story] house <<<
related words: 二階


pronunciation: ikkaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: a corner, a horn
一角犀: ikkakusai: Indian rhinoceros <<<
一角獣: ikkakujuu: unicorn <<<
一角獣座: ikkakujuuza: Monoceros <<<
天の一角: tennnoikkaku: a corner of the sky <<<
氷山の一角: hyouzannnoikkaku: tip of the iceberg, only a small visible bit <<< 氷山


pronunciation: ikkaku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 1格
keyword: grammar
translation: nominative
第一格: daiikkaku <<<
related words: 二格 , 三格 , 四格


pronunciation: ikkatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: together
一括する: ikkatsusuru: bundle up, sum up, summarize
一括して: ikkatsushite: in a lump
一括払い: ikkatsubarai: lump-sum payment <<<
一括取引: ikkatsutorihiki: package dealing <<< 取引
一括購入: ikkatsukounyuu: bulk buying <<< 購入
一括契約: ikkatsukeiyaku: blanket contract <<< 契約
一括割引: ikkatsuwaribiki: global discount <<< 割引

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