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Direct access: 意図 , 糸杉 , 井戸 , 緯度 , 移動 , 居所 , 以内 , 田舎 , 稲子 , 稲妻


pronunciation: ito
kanji characters: ,
translation: intention, intend, purpose, aim (n.)
意図する: itosuru: intend, aim at
意図的: itoteki: intentional, deliberate <<<
意図的に: itotekini: intentionally, deliberately


pronunciation: itosugi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: tree
translation: cypress


pronunciation: ido
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: well
井戸を掘る: idoohoru: dig [sink] a well <<<
井戸掘り: idohori: well digging, well digger
井戸を浚う: idoosarau: clean a well <<<
井戸浚い: idosarai: cleaning of a well
井戸水: idomizu: well water <<<
井戸水を汲む: idomizuokumu: draw water from a well <<<
井戸車: idoguruma: well wheel <<<
井戸端: idobata: well side <<<
井戸端会議: idobatakaigi: housewives' gossip, hen party (around well) <<< 会議
井戸ポンプ: idoponpu: well pump <<< ポンプ
油井戸: aburaido: oil well <<<


pronunciation: ido
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: latitude, parallel
緯度の: idono: latitudinal
高緯度: kouido: high latitude <<<
低緯度: teiido: low latitude <<<
中緯度: chuuido: middle latitude <<<
antonyms: 経度


pronunciation: idou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: movement, transfer (n.), travel (n.)
移動する: idousuru: move, transfer (vi.), travel
移動させる: idousaseru: transfer (vt.)
移動性: idouseino: mobility <<<
移動性の: idouseino: mobile
移動式: idoushiki <<<
移動棚: idoudana: mobile rack <<<
移動申告: idoushinkoku: report of one's removal <<< 申告
移動証明: idoushoumei: certificate of one's removal <<< 証明
移動大使: idoutaishi: roving ambassador <<< 大使
移動範囲: idouhanni: margin of displacement <<< 範囲
移動速度: idousokudo: traverse speed <<< 速度
移動展覧会: idoutenrankai: itinerant exhibition <<< 展覧会
移動起重機: idoukijuuki: traveling crane <<< 起重機
移動診療所: idoushinryousho: traveling clinic
移動図書館: idoutoshokan: traveling library, bookmobile
民族移動: minzokuidou: migration of peoples, mass migration <<< 民族
大陸移動: tairikuidou: continental drift <<< 大陸
related words: 移転 , 移送


pronunciation: idokoro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: one's address, one's whereabouts
居所を知らせる: idokorooshiraseru: give [indicate] one's address [whereabouts] <<<
synonyms: 住所 , 行方


pronunciation: inai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics , calendar
translation: less [not more] than
以内の: inaino
以内に: inaini
指値以内で: sashineinaide: within the limits <<< 指値


pronunciation: inaka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: countryside, country (n.), province, one's home, birthplace
田舎の: inakano: rural, rustic, country (a.)
田舎に行く: inakaniiku: go to the country <<<
田舎に住む: inakanisumu: live in the country <<<
田舎住まい: inakazumai: country [rural] life
田舎育ちの: inakasodachino: country-bred <<<
田舎臭い: inakakusai: boorish, rustic (a.) <<<
田舎風: inakahuu: country-like, rustic (a.), bucolic <<<
田舎道: inakamichi: country road <<<
田舎弁: inakaben: provincial dialect, provincialism <<<
田舎訛: inakanamari <<<
田舎言葉: inakakotoba <<< 言葉
田舎者: inakamono: countryman, rustic (n.), hoosier, hillbilly <<<
田舎娘: inakamusume: country girl <<<
田舎料理: inakaryouri: dish cooked in country fashion <<< 料理
田舎芝居: inakashibai: country theater <<< 芝居
related words: 地方 , 田園 , 故郷


pronunciation: inago
kanji characters: ,
keyword: insect
translation: locust, grasshopper
synonyms: 飛蝗


pronunciation: inaZuma
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: (flash of) lightning
稲妻がする: inaZumagasuru: Lightning flashes
稲妻が光る: inaZumagahikaru <<<
稲妻が走る: inazumagahashiru <<<
synonyms: 閃光 , 稲光
related words: 雷鳴

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