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Direct access: 印象 , 飲食 , 隠者 , 陰性 , 隕石 , 陰線 , 引退 , 院長 , 因縁 , 陰部


pronunciation: inshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: impression
印象を与える: inshouoataeru: give an impression <<<
印象付ける: inshouZukeru: impress <<<
印象的: inshouteki: impressive, unforgettable, memorable <<<
印象派: inshouha: impressionist school <<<
印象主義: inshoushugi: impressionism <<< 主義
印象主義者: inshoushugisha: impressionist <<<
第一印象: daiichiinshou: first impression <<< 第一
related words: 感想


pronunciation: inshoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food , drink
translation: eating and drinking, meals and drinks, refreshing
飲食する: inshokusuru: eat and drink, refresh oneself
飲食店: inshokuten: restaurant <<<
飲食物: inshokubutsu: food and drink <<<
飲食代: inshokudai: cost of meals and drinks <<<
飲食税: inshokuzei: tax on eating and drinking (suppressed in 2000 in Japan) <<<


pronunciation: inja
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: recluse, hermit
隠者の: injano: eremitic, eremitish
隠者の庵: injanoiori: hermitage <<<


pronunciation: insei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: negativity
陰性の: inseino: negative
陰性反応: inseihannnou: negative reaction <<< 反応
antonyms: 陽性


pronunciation: inseki
kanji characters:
keyword: astronomy
translation: meteorite
隕石学: insekigaku: astrolithology <<<
related words: 流星


pronunciation: insen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: lower closing price than opening (in a candlestick chart)
antonyms: 陽線


pronunciation: intai
kanji characters: , 退
keyword: job
translation: retirement
引退する: intaisuru: retire (from), return to private life
引退した: intaishita: in retirement
related words: 退職


pronunciation: inchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: director (of a hospital), president, principal
修道院長: shuudouinchou: abbot, abbess <<< 修道


pronunciation: innnen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism , life
translation: fatality, fate, karma, connection, origin
因縁を付ける: innnennotsukeru: make a false charge <<<
曰く因縁: iwakuinnnen: deep reasons <<<
related words: 宿命


pronunciation: inbu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body , sex
translation: private [privy] parts, the secrets

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