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Direct access: 遺産 , 医師 , 意思 , 意志 , 石川 , 意識 , 石畳 , 石段 , 異質 , 石巻


pronunciation: isan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life , finance
translation: inheritance, heritage, legacy, estate, asset
遺産を継ぐ: isannotsugu: inherit [take over] an heritage <<<
遺産を残す: isannonokosu: leave [bequeath] an heritage <<<
遺産争い: isannarasoi: quarrel over an inheritance <<<
遺産相続: isansouzoku: succession (of heritage) <<< 相続
遺産相続人: isansouzokunin: legatee <<<
遺産相続税: isansouzokuzei: succession duty <<<
遺産管理: isankanri: administration (of heritage) <<< 管理
遺産管理人: isankanrinin: administrator (of heritage) <<<
遺産分割: isanbunkatsu: division of heritage <<< 分割
文化遺産: bunkaisan: cultural heritage <<< 文化
ユネスコ世界遺産: yunesukosekaiisan: UNESCO world heritage <<< ユネスコ


pronunciation: ishi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: medical doctor
医師会: ishikai: medical association, General Medical Council <<<
医師法: ishihou: medical practitioners law <<<
医師免状: ishimenjou: medical license <<< 免状
related words: 医者


pronunciation: ishi
kanji characters: ,
translation: intention, purpose
意思が通じる: ishigatsuujiru: make oneself understand <<<
意思が疎通する: ishigasotsuusuru: come to an understanding, understand each other
意思の疎通を図る: ishinosotsuuohakaru: bring about a good understanding (between)
意思の疎通を欠く: ishinosotsuuokaku: There is a lack of understanding (between)
意思表示: ishihyouji: declaration of one's intention <<< 表示
意思表示する: ishihyoujisuru: make a declaration of one's intention


pronunciation: ishi
kanji characters: ,
translation: will, volition
意志の強い: ishinotsuyoi: of strong will <<<
意志の弱い: ishinoyowai: of weak will <<<
意志に反して: ishinihanshite: against one's will <<<
不屈の意志: hukutsunoishi: indomitable spirit, fortitude, inner strength <<< 不屈
related words: 意思


pronunciation: ishikawa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Ishikawa
石川県: ishikawaken: Prefecture of Ishikawa <<<
石川遼: ishikawaryou: Ryo Ishikawa (a Japanese golfer) <<<
related words:


pronunciation: ishiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: consciousness, sense
意識する: ishikisuru: be aware of
意識の有る: ishikinoaru: be conscious <<<
意識の無い: ishikinonai: be unconscious [senseless] <<<
意識を失う: ishikioushinau: lose consciousness <<<
意識的: ishikiteki: conscious, deliberate, intentional <<<
意識的に: ishikitekini: consciously, deliberately, intentionally
意識を回復する: ishikiokaihukusuru: recover consciousness, come to oneself <<< 回復
意識不明: ishikihumei: dim consciousness <<< 不明
美意識: biishiki: aesthetic sense <<<
無意識: muishiki: unconsciousness <<<
無意識の: muishikino: unconscious, involuntary
無意識に: muishikini: unconsciously, involuntarily, mechanically
民族意識: minzokuishiki: national consciousness <<< 民族
集団意識: shuudannishiki: group consciousness <<< 集団
危機意識: kikiishiki: crisis mood, sense of crisis <<< 危機
法的意識: houtekiishiki: sense of right and wrong <<< 法的
階級意識: kaikyuuishiki: class consciousness <<< 階級
エリート意識: eriitoishiki: elite consciousness <<< エリート


pronunciation: ishidatami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: stone flooring [pavement]


pronunciation: ishidan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: stone steps
related words: 階段


pronunciation: ishitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: heterogeneity
異質の: ishitsuno: heterogenous


pronunciation: ishinomaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Ishinomaki (city)
石巻市: ishinomakishi: City of Ishinomaki <<<
石巻港: ishinomakikou: Ishinomaki Harbor <<<

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