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Direct access: 医者 , 慰謝 , 異種 , 萎縮 , 遺書 , 衣装 , 意匠 , 異色 , 移植 , 石綿


pronunciation: isha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: (medical) doctor
医者を呼ぶ: ishaoyobu: call in a doctor, send a person for the doctor <<<
医者に掛かる: ishanikakaru: consult [see] a doctor <<<
医者に掛ける: ishanikakeru: make a person see a doctor
医者に掛かっている: ishanikakatteiru: be under the care of a doctor
歯医者: haisha: dentist <<<
目医者: meisha: oculist, eye doctor, ophthalmologist <<<
耳医者: mimiisha: otolaryngologist <<<
藪医者: yabuisha: charlatan, quack, mountebank <<<
related words: 医師 , 博士


pronunciation: isha
kanji characters: ,
translation: comfort (n.), consolation
慰謝する: ishasuru: console (v.), solace, comfort
慰謝料: isharyou: consolation money, solatium <<<
synonyms: 慰安


pronunciation: ishu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: different species [kind]
異種の: ishuno: various, different, heterogeneous
異種交配: ishukouhai: hybridization, crossing, crossbreed, hybrid <<< ハイブリッド
related words: 混血


pronunciation: ishuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , biology
translation: atrophy, obsolescence
萎縮の: ishukuno: obsolescent, atrophic
萎縮する: ishukusuru: atrophy (v.), wither, shrink, dwindle


pronunciation: isho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: last will, testament
遺書を残す: ishoonokosu: leave a testament <<<
related words: 遺言


pronunciation: ishou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 衣裳
keyword: clothes
translation: clothes, dress, costume
衣装方: ishoukata: costumer, dresser <<<
衣装係: ishougakari <<<
衣装部屋: ishoubeya: garderobe, cloakroom <<< 部屋
貸衣装: kashiishou: costumes for rent <<<
貸衣装屋: kashiishouya: costume renter, costume rental shop <<<
synonyms: 服装


pronunciation: ishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: (artistic) design
意匠を凝らす: ishouokorasu: elaborate a design <<<
意匠家: ishouka: draftsman <<< , デザイナー
意匠を考案する: ishouokouansuru: think out a design
意匠登録: ishoutouroku: registration of designs <<< 登録
synonyms: デザイン


pronunciation: ishoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: uniqueness
異色の: ishokuno: novel, unique


pronunciation: ishoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , biology
translation: transplant (n.), transplantation, grafting, implant, implantation
移植する: ishokusuru: transplant (v.), implant
骨髄移植: kotsuzuiishoku: (bone) marrow transplantation <<< 骨髄
角膜移植: kakumakuishoku: transplantation of the cornea <<< 角膜
臓器移植: zoukiishoku: organ implant <<< 臓器
腎臓移植: jinzouishoku: kidney transplant <<< 腎臓
心臓移植: shinzouishoku: heart transplantation <<< 心臓


pronunciation: ishiwata, sekimen
kanji characters: , 綿
keyword: construction , material
translation: asbestos
related words: アスベスト

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