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Direct access: 仁義 , 正義 , 大義 , 忠義 , 適切 , 道徳 , 風紀 , , ,


pronunciation: jingi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: moral
translation: humanity and justice, code of conduct
仁義を切る: jingiokiru: make a formal greeting <<<


pronunciation: seigi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: moral
translation: righteousness, justice
正義の: seigino: righteous, just
正義の為に: seiginotameni: in the cause [for the sake] of justice <<<
正義の戦い: seiginotatakai: righteous war <<<
正義感: seigikan: sense of justice <<<
正義感が強い: seigikangatsuyoi: have a strong sense of justice <<<
力は正義なり: chikarahaseiginari: Might is right <<<


pronunciation: taigi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: moral
translation: justice, righteousness
大義名分: taigimeibun: just cause
synonyms: 正義


pronunciation: chuugi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: moral
translation: loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness
忠義な: chuugina: loyal (to), faithful (to), devoted (to)
related words: 忠誠


pronunciation: tekisetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: moral
translation: adequacy, pertinence, aptness
適切な: tekisetsuna: adequate, appropriate, pertinent, fit, apt
適切に: tekisetsuni: adequately, appropriately, pertinently
不適切: hutekisetsu: unsuitableness, inadequacy <<<
不適切な: hutekisetsuna: unfit (to, for), inappropriate, unsuitable, inadequate
synonyms: 適正 , 適当


pronunciation: doutoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: moral
translation: morality, morals
道徳上の: doutokujouno: moral <<<
道徳的: doutokuteki <<<
道徳的に: doutokutekini: morally, from the moral point of view
道徳家: doutokuka: virtuous man <<<
道徳律: doutokuritsu: moral law [code] <<<
道徳観: doutokukan: moral view <<<
道徳心: doutokushin: moral sense, morality <<<
道徳感覚: doutokukankaku <<< 感覚
道徳教育: doutokukyouiku: moral education <<< 教育
不道徳: hudoutoku: immorality <<<
不道徳な: hudoutokuna: immoral
related words: 倫理 , モラル


pronunciation: huuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: moral
translation: discipline, public morality [morals]
風紀を害する: huukiogaisuru: injure [corrupt] public morals <<<
風紀を乱す: huukiomidasu <<<
風紀を取締る: huukiotorishimaru: enforce discipline <<< 取締
風紀係: huukigakari: public moral squad, censor <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 4
translation: charity, humanity, mercy
jin, nin, ni
仁け: nasake: charity, humanity, mercy <<<
仁: hito: pers. <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 7
translation: respect (the parents)

category: to learn in school
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 11
translation: tender, sympathy, affection, mercy, compassion, benevolence, taste (ext.), flavor
jou, sei
情け: nasake: tender feeling, fellow feeling, sympathy, affection, mercy, compassion, benevolence, love
情けの無い: nasakenonai: unfeeling, coldhearted, heartless, unsympathetic <<<
情けを知らぬ: nasakeoshiranu <<<
情け無い: nasakenai: pitiful, wretched, miserable, lamentable, deplorable <<<
情け無い奴: nasakenaiyatsu: miserable fellow, wretch
情け無い事に: nasakenaikotoni: to one's sorrow [regret]
情け深い: nasakebukai: benevolent, charitable, compassionate, tenderhearted, sympathetic <<<
情けを掛ける: nasakeokakeru: show mercy (to), take pity (on) <<<
情: kokoro: heart (fig.) <<<
情: omomuki: taste, flavor <<<
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