

発音: そうおう
漢字: ,
翻訳:suitability, adequacy, adequateness, aptness
相応な: そうおうな: suitable, fit, suited (to), becoming, fitting, reasonable, fair, proportionate, considerable, adequate, appropriate
相応した: そうおうした
相応する: そうおうする: be suitable (to), suit, become, correspond (to)
相応しい: ふさわしい: suitable (to, for), becoming (to), worthy of, proper, become (one), be becoming (to one), suit (one)
相応しくない: ふさわしくない: unsuitable, unbecoming, unworthy of
身分相応に: みぶんそうおうに: within one's means <<< 身分
同意語: 適当

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