Japanese display
Direct access: 三人 , 人称


pronunciation: sannnin
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 3人
translation: three persons
三人組: sannningumi: trio, triad <<< , トリオ
三人称: sannninshou: the third person (in grammar) <<<
三人寄れば文殊の知恵: sannninnyorebamonjunochie: Two heads are better than one
related words: 二人


pronunciation: ninshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: person (in grammar)
一人称: ichininshou: the first person <<<
二人称: nininshou: the second person <<<
三人称: sannninshou: the third person <<<
人称代名詞: ninshoudaimeishi: personal pronoun

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