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pronunciation: hui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: suddenness, unexpectedness, abruptness
不意の: huino: sudden, unexpected, unlooked-for, abrupt
不意に: huini: suddenly, unexpectedly, without previous notice [warning], all of a sudden
不意に訪れる: huiniotozureru: pay (a person) a surprise visit <<<
不意に訪問する: huinihoumonsuru <<< 訪問
不意打: huiuchi: surprise attack, lurch <<<
不意打を食わす: huiuchiokuwasu: take (a person) by surprise, give (a person) a surprise attack <<<
不意打を食う: huiuchiokuu: be taken by surprise, be caught napping [unawares] <<<
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