Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 6
translation: rest, pause
休む: yasumu: rest (vi.), take a rest
休める: yasumeru: rest oneself, repose, suspend, set a ease, give relief (to)
休み: yasumi: rest (n.), pause, recess, vacation, holiday
休みを取る: yasumiotoru: take a rest [pause], take a recess [holiday, leave], get off <<<
休み無く: yasuminaku: without rest [stopping], continuously, incessantly <<<
休みに成る: yasumininaru: close [break up] (school) <<<
休み中に: yasumichuuni: during one's holidays, on one's vacation <<<
Kanji words: 休日 , 夏休 , 春休 , 休刊 , 休戦 , 一休み , 御休み , 冬休 , 休職 , 休憩 , 休養 , 休息 , 休会 , 定休 , 休止 , 休業 , 休暇 , 代休 , 休眠 , 気休め
Expressions: 休火山 , 学校を休む , 仕事を休む , 万事休す , 疲れを休める

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