Japanese display


pronunciation: hoken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health
translation: (preservation of) health, sanitation
保健上の: hokenjouno: sanitary, hygienic <<<
保健所: hokensho, hokenjo: health center <<<
保健婦: hokenhu: (public) health nurse <<<
保健薬: hokennyaku: medicines (for the masses) <<<
保健飲料: hokenninryou: hygienic drink <<< 飲料
保健状態: hokenjoutai: health situation, state of health <<< 状態
保健指導: hokenshidou: hygienic guidance <<< 指導
保健制度: hokenseido: health system <<< 制度
保健体育: hokentaiiku: health and physical education <<< 体育
related words: 衛生

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