Japanese display

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 18
translation: store, reserve, stock, supplies, savings
儲: takuwae: store, reserve, stock, supplies, savings
儲える: takuwaeru: store up, lay in store, hoard, treasure, save, lay up <<< ,
儲: mouke: profit (jp.), gain, earnings
儲ける: moukeru: earn [gain] money (jp.), make a profit
儲かる: moukaru: be profitable, be lucrative, yield profit
儲けが多い: moukegaooi: bring in large return [margin of profit] <<<
儲けが薄い: moukegausui: bring in small return [margin of profit] <<<
儲けが少ない: moukegasukunai <<<
Expressions: 相場で儲ける , 襤褸儲け , 襤褸儲けする , 金を儲ける , 株で儲ける
related words: ,

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