Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 7
translation: cold, cool, chilly, icy
rei, ryou
冷える: hieru: get cold
冷やす: hiyasu: cool (v.), ice, refrigerate
冷める: sameru: become cool, get cold, be spoiled, be chilled, cool down
冷ます: samasu: cool (v.), spoil person's pleasure, dampen a person's enthusiasm, bring down, allay, abate
冷たい: tsumetai: cold, chilly, icy, indifferent
冷たさ: tsumetasa: coldness, chilliness, chill, indifference
冷しい: suzushii: cool <<<
冷や: hiya: cold water (jp.)
冷やかし: hiyakashi: banter (n., jp.), chaff, jeer, mere inspection
冷やかす: hiyakasu: banter (v., jp.), chaff, make fun of, tease, just look at (goods)
冷ややかな: hiyayakana: cold, coldhearted, unkind, indifferent
冷ややかに: hiyayakani: coldly, indifferently, coolly
Kanji words: 冷戦 , 冷蔵 , 冷笑 , 冷静 , 寒冷 , 冷凍 , 冷房 , 冷気 , 冷淡 , 冷却 , 冷水 , 冷汗 , 冷酷
Expressions: 冷し拉麺 , 氷で冷す , 氷で冷した , 熱が冷める , 肝を冷やす , 興を冷ます
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