Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: travel
Number of strokes: 6
translation: tour, patrol, circulate, revolve
巡る: meguru: tour (v.), patrol, circulate, revolve
巡り: meguri: tour (n.), patrol, circulation, pilgrimage <<< ツアー
巡らす: megurasu: surround, enclose, turn
巡り合う: meguriau: happen on [upon], come across <<<
巡り合い: meguriai: encounter, chance meeting <<<
を巡って: omegutte: regarding, concerning, referring to, relative to
巡る: mimawaru: make a tour, patrol (v.) <<< パトロール
Kanji words: 一巡 , 巡回 , 巡航 , 巡査 , 巡洋艦 , 巡礼 , 巡業
Expressions: 堂々巡り , 堂々巡りする , 計略を巡らす , 思い巡らす , 策を巡らす
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