Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: tool , art
Number of strokes: 9
translation: handle, crank, helve, haft, shaft, hilt
hei, hyou
柄: e: handle, crank, helve, haft, shaft, broomstick
柄を付ける: eotsukeru: put a handle [haft] (to) <<<
柄: tsuka: hilt, handle, haft
柄: gara: pattern (jp.), design, size, character, personality <<< 模様 , パターン
柄の大きい: garanoookii: of big size <<<
柄の小さい: garanochiisai: of small size <<<
柄の悪い: garanowarui: ill-bred, lowbred <<<
Kanji words: 葉柄 , 銘柄 , 大柄 , 事柄
Expressions: 梃子の柄 , 商売柄 , 犂の柄 , 弓の柄 , 鍋の柄 , 傘の柄 , 箒の柄 , 槍の柄 , 舵の柄 , ナイフの柄

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