Japanese display


pronunciation: shikei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: death penalty, capital punishment
死刑の: shikeino: capital (punishment)
死刑にする: shikeinisuru: execute
死刑囚: shikeishuu: condemned (to death) <<<
死刑台: shikeidai: scaffold <<<
死刑台に上る: shikeidaininoboru: ascend the scaffold <<<
死刑執行: shikeishikkou: execution <<< 執行
死刑執行人: shikeishikkounin: hangman, executioner, headsman <<<
死刑宣言: shikeisengen: death sentence <<< 宣言
死刑廃止: shikeihaishi: abolition of capital punishment <<< 廃止
related words: 処刑

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