Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: travel
Number of strokes: 10
translation: stop, halt, cease, leave, stay, detain
ryuu, ru
留める: tomeru: stop (vt.), cease, put an end to (a matter), detain, leave <<<
留まる: tomaru: stop (vi.), halt, come to a stop [halt, halt, standstill], pull [draw] up, run down, stay <<<
留める: todomeru: stop, cease, put an end to (a matter), detain, leave
留う: ukagau: ask, inquire <<<
Kanji words: 書留 , 留学 , 停留所 , 留意 , 係留 , 在留 , 居留 , 留守 , 留鳥 , 残留 , 留置
Expressions: 靴下留め , 部署に留まる , 痕跡を留める , 鎹で留める , 書き留める , 職に留まる , 目に留まる , リベットで留める , クリップで留める , ピンで留める

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