Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: greeting
Number of strokes: 5
translation: politeness, greeting, salute, bow, etiquette, civility, thanks, gratitude, reward
rei, rai
礼: iya: protocol (anc.)
礼をする: reiosuru: salute, make a bow, reward, remunerate, pay a fee
礼を欠く: reiokaku: be impolite (to) <<<
礼を失する: reioshissuru <<<
礼を尽くす: reiotsukusu: show every courtesy <<<
礼を述べる: reionoberu: thank (v.), express [offer] one's thanks <<<
礼を言う: reioiu <<<
Kanji words: 敬礼 , 御礼 , 祭礼 , 割礼 , 礼状 , 失礼 , 礼節 , 礼拝 , 礼儀 , 洗礼 , 巡礼 , 儀礼 , 礼金 , 謝礼
Expressions: 栄誉礼

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