Japanese display


pronunciation: ichou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs
translation: stomach and intestines
胃腸の: ichouno: gastrointestinal, digestive
胃腸が弱い: ichougayowai: have a weak digestion <<<
胃腸が強い: ichougatsuyoi: have a good digestion <<<
胃腸を壊す: ichouokowasu: have a stomach disorder <<<
胃腸病: ichoubyou: gastroenteric disorder, digestive ailment <<<
胃腸病学: ichoubyougaku: gastroenterology <<<
胃腸炎: ichouen: gastroenteritis <<<
胃腸カタル: ichoukataru <<< カタル
胃腸薬: ichouyaku: medicine for the stomach and bowels <<<
胃腸病院: ichoubyouin: hospital for the stomach and bowels <<< 病院
胃腸障害: ichoushougai: stomach [digestive] disorder <<< 障害

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