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pronunciation: sougi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: funeral service, funeral rites, burial service
葬儀を行う: sougiookonau: perform a funeral service <<<
葬儀係: sougigakari: person in charge of a funeral <<<
葬儀場: sougijou: funeral hall <<<
葬儀社: sougisha: undertaker's office <<<
葬儀屋: sougiya: undertake, mortician <<<
葬儀委員: sougiiin: funeral committee <<< 委員
葬儀自動車: sougijidousha: motor hearse <<< 自動車
盛大な葬儀: seidainasougi: impressive funeral with a large attendance <<< 盛大
synonyms: 葬式

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