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pronunciation: senkyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: election
選挙の: senkyono: electoral
選挙する: senkyosuru: vote, elect, choose
選挙に勝つ: senkyonikatsu: carry [win in] the election <<<
選挙に負ける: senkyonimakeru: be defeated in the election <<<
選挙区: senkyoku: election district <<<
選挙権: senkyoken: right to vote, suffrage, franchise <<<
被選挙権: hisenkyoken: eligibility <<<
選挙人: senkyonin: voter, elector <<<
選挙人団: senkyonindan: electoral college <<<
選挙運動: senkyoundou: election campaign <<< 運動
選挙演説: senkyoenzetsu: campaign speech <<< 演説
選挙違反: senkyoihan: election fraud <<< 違反
総選挙: sousenkyo: general election <<<
首長選挙: shuchousenkyo: election of the head of a local government <<< 首長
議長選挙: gichousenkyo: election of a chairman <<< 議長
公明選挙: koumeisenkyo: clean election <<< 公明
補欠選挙: hoketsusenkyo: special election, by-election <<< 補欠
一次選挙: ichijisenkyo: primary election <<< 一次
市長選挙: shichousenkyo: mayoral election <<< 市長
予備選挙: yobisenkyo: primary election <<< 予備
直接選挙: chokusetsusenkyo: direct election <<< 直接
間接選挙: kansetsusenkyo: indirect election <<< 間接
大統領選挙: daitouryousenkyo: presidential election <<< 大統領
普通選挙: hutsuusenkyo: general election <<< 普通
中間選挙: chuukansenkyo: midterm [off-year] election <<< 中間
related words: 投票

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