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alternative words: Warp Japan
keywords: company, game
related topics: D2
related web sites:
explanation: Young Japanese game company founded in March 1994 in Tokyo and employs 25 person. It is especially known as the creator of a horror-adventure game, "D no Shokutaku" and D2 which is its continuation.


alternative words: Wired World
keywords: diverse, lain
related topics: Serial Experiments Lain
explanation: A kind of super Internet to which everybody is connected or a virtual world created by it, in opposition to "real world" in "Serial Experiments Lain".

Wonder Swan

alternative words: Wonderswan
keywords: bandai, machine, model
related topics: Bandai
related web sites: ,
explanation: Portable console machine released by Bandai in 1999. Its particularity is usable horizontally as well as vertically in order to maximize the useful screen surface whatever types of games. In order to avoid the error of "Game Gear", its dimension and the electricity consumption are kept at the minimum level. The screen is monochrome and the cpu is 16 bits.

World championship

alternative words: Championship
keywords: diverse, dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: In Dragon Ball, each 5 years (and each 3 years later), a world championship on karate takes place. Son Goku met Tenshinhan in this contest.

World masterpiece theater

keywords: anime, diverse
related topics: Nippon Animation , Dog of Flanders , Remi the Homeless Girl
related web sites:
explanation: Name given to a series of TV cartoons created by "Nippon Animation" since 1975. Having many adaptations of western literature like "Remi the homeless girl", "Little princess Sara" and "A Dog of Flanders", many titles have been broadcasted by European TV stations.

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Last update: 28/07/20 18:01