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Nakayoshiなかよしkeywords: magazine, title related topics: Kodansha , Princess knight , Sailormoon , Card captor Sakura related web sites: explanation: Monthly manga magazine for girls published by Kodansha. The first issue dates in December 1954. As mangas which have become popular on this magazine, we can quote "Princess knight", "Sailormoon" and "Card captor Sakura". Nokayoshi means "to be friend" in Japanese. Namcoナムコkeywords: company, game related topics: Pacman , Tekken related web sites: , explanation: Producer of arcade machines and video games, founded in June 1955. It has developed un video game, Pacman in 1980 which has become famous all over the world. It also created the famous shooting game "Xevious" in 1983 for arcade machine and for "Family Computer" in November 1984. As a recent hit, we can quote a beate'em up game "Tekken", an arcade version in 1994 and a "Play sation" version in March 1995. Tekken II has been released later. Naoko Takeuchi武内直子alternative words: Takeuchi Naoko keywords: author, manga, sailormoon related topics: Sailormoon explanation: Femelle mangaka, born March 15, 1967 at Kofu City near Tokyo. After having studied pharmacology at university, she began her career with "Love Call" in Nakayoshi of September 86. She is the author of several popular manga like "The Cherry Project" and Sailormoon. Nausicaa of the valley of wind風の谷のナウシカalternative words: Nausicaa keywords: anime, manga, title related topics: Hayao Miyazaki related web sites: , explanation: After an environmental disaster, the Earth is covered with an immense "sea of the corruption", while a tribal war takes place in the remaining lands. It tells the tale about a young princess, Nausicaa, which strives to save the Earth from a total destruction. Written by Hayao Miyazaki, this manga appears first in a monthly "Animage" between February 1982 and March 1984 and then adapted to an anime in 1984. It has created a great impact on the public by inventing a new category of animes, "Eco-fantasy". Naviナビkeywords: anime, lain, thing related topics: Serial Experiments Lain explanation: Terminal device used to connect to "Wired" in "Serial Experiments Lain". In a near future, everybody carries one, including children. Nejishikiねじ式alternative words: Screw method keywords: manga, title related topics: Garo , Yoshiharu Tsuge related web sites: explanation: Short manga written by Tsuge Yoshiharu and published on Garo in 1968. With his work, manga has become a matured art acceptable even for intellectuals. The story is as follows: a young man left the beach to look for a doctor after having been picked by a medusa. He drifts then between the reality and the imagination and finally found a doctor who put on his left arm a tube equipped with a screw. This surrealist manga was adapted to a movie by Teruo Ishii in 1998. Nervネルフkeywords: diverse, evangelion related topics: Evangelion explanation: Organization controlled by United Nations and responsible to fight against invaders. It is located at Tokyo-3 and directed par the father of Shinji, hero of Evangelion. By the way, Nerv means "nerve" in German. Nihon Denki日本電気alternative words: Nippon Denki, Nec keywords: company, nec related topics: PC-Engine , PC-FX related web sites: explanation: Commonly called Nec, it is the biggest professional electronics company in Japan, though it makes a little domestic appliances. This explains a relative failure of PC-Engine: excellent machine sold without any serious marketing plan. It was founded in 1898 and employs 38,000 persons (without subsidiaries). Nintendo任天堂alternative words: Nintendou keywords: company, game, nintendo related topics: Game Boy , Super Famicom , Nintendo 64 , Pokemon related web sites: explanation: Producer of game machines and video games, founded in 1889 at Kyoto City. Initially, it had been publishing card games. After a huge success of "Family Computer" (1983), its fame reached foreign countries. Other well known game machines are: "Game Boy" (1989), Super Famicom (1990) and Nintendo 64 (1996). Famous "Super Mario Brothers" has been adapted to all those machines. Recently "Pokemon" developed for "Color Game Boy" made a great hit in Japan and USA. Nintendo 64Nintendo64keywords: machine, nintendo related topics: Nintendo , Super Famicom , Pokemon Stadium related web sites: explanation: Consumer game machine released by Nintendo in June 1996. Being the first game machine of 16 bits, it should perpetuate Nitendo's supermacy on the market after weakening of "Super Famicom" vs "Sega Saturn" and "Play Station" of Sony Unfortunately, its late release and high price system based on archaic cartridge has forced Nintendo to give up the first place to Sony's Play Station in 1997. | |