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Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine

太宰府天満宮 天満宮
alternative words: Dazaifu Tenmagu Shrine, Dazaifu Tenman-gu Shrine, Dazaifu Tenma-gu Shrine, Dazaifu Tenmangu
keywords: kyushu, shrine
related topics: Fukuoka Prefecture
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explanation: Located in Fukuoka Prefecture at Dazaifu City, this shrine worships Sugawara no Michizane, commonly called "Tenjin Sama". Michizane was a famous scholar of Heian Period. Beaten by his political rival, he was sent to Dazaifu and died there. For this reason, it is considered efficacious on entry examination of universities.

Ehime Prefecture

alternative words: Ehimeken prefecture, Ehime, Ehimeken, Ehime-ken, Ehime ken
keywords: prefecture, shikoku
related topics: Matsuyama city , Shikoku island
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explanation: Ehime prefecture occupies the north-western part of Shikoku region, facing Inland Sea. Its surface is 5,671 km2 and the population 1.5 million. The prefectural office is at Matsuyama City. The culture of fruits like oranges, persimmons and chestnuts is flourishing. The copper field is now exhausted but chemical and paper manufacture are active. Fishing in outer sea as well as culture of fishes are prosperous. Since 1999, the prefecture is joint to Honshu with a series of bridges.


江ノ島 江の島
alternative words: Enoshima island, Eno shima, E no shima
keywords: island, kanagawa, tourist resort
related topics: Kanagawa prefecture , Kamakura city , Fujisawa city
related web sites: ,
explanation: Islet located on Sagami bay in south Kanagawa prefecture, near Kamakura, Enoshima is one of the most popular sea resorts near Tokyo. Enoshima has been also a famous center of Benzaiten cult since Kamakura period. At low tide, Enoshima is connected to the main land with a sand bank. Now you can reach there through 2 bridges at anytime and admire a splendid view on Sagami bay from Enoshima tower. It is accessible from Ofuna station through a monorail.

Enryakuji Temple

alternative words: Enryaku-ji Temple, Hieizan Enryakuji Temple, Hiezan Enryakuji Temple, Hieizan Enryakuji, Hiezan Enryakuji
keywords: temple
related topics: Shiga Prefecture
related web sites:
explanation: One of the most influent Buddhist temples, located in Shiga Prefecture, on the hill between Lake Biwa and Kyoto City. It was built by Saicho in 785 and became the central temple of Tendai School. During the Middle Ages, the temple had been so powerful that it fought several times against the central power. Furious, a war lord, Nobunaga burned out completely all the buildings in 1571 and restored by Hideyoshi in 1584 but lost the political power.

Etorofu Island

alternative words: Etorohu Island, Etorof Island, Iturup Island
keywords: hokkaido, island, territorial dispute, volcano
related topics: Kuril Island , Kunashiri Island
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Essentially volcanic, Etorofu is the largest island among Kuril chain with 3184 km2. In the north, it is separated with Uruppu Island by Etorofu Strait while in the south with Kunashiri Island by Kunashiri Strait. The culminate point is Mt. Sanpu of 1580m. Kondo Juzo built a stele in 1798, claiming its belonging to Japan. In December 1941, Japanese naval fleet left Hitokappu bay in Etorofu Island to attack Pearl Harbor. Now occupied by Russia, it is one of the 4 islands that Japan is claiming a return back.

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