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Amami island

alternative words: Amamioshima island, Amamioshima, Amami oshima, Amami
keywords: island, kyushu, okinawa
related topics: Kagoshima Prefecture , Okinawa Prefecture
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explanation: Biggest island located between Kyushu and Okinawa islands. Its surface is about 709 km2 and the population 79,000. Thanks to its subtropical climate, man cultivates bananas, pineapples, sugar canes and papayas. Its specialty is Oshima-tsumugi, a kind of pongee. After the World War II it had been occupied by Americans but return back to Japan in 1953.


alternative words: Ama-no-hashidate, Ama no hashidate, Heaven Bridge
keywords: kyoto, tourist resort
related topics: Kyoto Prefecture , Itsukushima Shrine , Matsushima
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explanation: Sand bank located in Miyazu Bay in the north of Kyoto Prefecture. Its length is about 3 km and the width about 100 m. It is separated in the southern part and connected by a bridge. It belongs to "3 Japanese famous views" with Matsushima and Itsukushima Shrine.


全日本空輸 全日空 ANA
alternative words: All Nippon Airways, Zen Nikku
keywords: airline, company
related web sites:
explanation: The second largest aviation company in Japan, founded in 1952. Though surpassed by JAL in international traffic, it is the largest company for internal traffic. Since 1986, it has operated on international lines, too.

Aomori city

青森市 青森
alternative words: Aomorishi city, Aomorishi, Aomori-shi, Aomori shi, Aomori
keywords: harbor, tohoku, town
related topics: Aomori Prefecture , Seikan Tunnel , Hokkaido Prefecture , Lake Towada
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explanation: Capital of Aomori prefecture. Located at the bottom of Mutsu bay, Aomori was created as a harbor to send the rice of Tsugaru region to Tokyo. It has then developed as the capital of Aomori and a harbor to go to Hokkaido via Tsugaru strait. Since the opening of Seikan Tunnel in 1988, there is no more railroad link but there exists still a ferry service. It is the tourist base to visit Lake Towada. Festival of Nebuta at the beginning of each August is well known. Its population is 295,000.

Aomori Prefecture

青森県 青森
alternative words: Aomoriken prefecture, Aomori, Aomoriken, Aomori-ken, Aomori ken
keywords: prefecture, tohoku
related topics: Misawa city , Lake Towada , Rokkasho village , Aomori city , Hachinohe city , Tsugaru strait , Tsugaru peninsula , Shimokita peninsula
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explanation: Aomori prefecture occupies the most northern part of Honshu Island. Its surface is 9,617 km2 and the population 1.5 million. The prefectural office is at Aomori City. The important activity of Aomori is the tourism due to its strategic place to go to Hokkaido via Tsugaru Strait and a beautiful volcanic landscape of the southern region. The eastern part is less populated and recently the government has tried to activate it by creating an industrial area around Hachinohe.


alternative words: Aoyama district
keywords: district, tokyo
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture , Shibuya , Akasaka palace
related web sites: ,
explanation: A district in the north of Minato Ward in Tokyo. Residential area before WWII, it has been transformed to a business and shopping area as being contiguous to Shibuya district. The crown prince's palace, Togu-gosho alias Aoyama-gosho and Aoyama university are located there.


alternative words: Aqua-line, Aqua line
keywords: bridge, kanagawa, tunnel
related topics: Kanagawa Prefecture , Chiba Prefecture , Kawasaki city , Tokyo bay
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explanation: Road which crosses Tokyo Bay. By combining a tunnel (9.5 km) and a bridge (4.4 km), you can reach from Kawasaki City in Kanagawa Prefecture to another side of Tokyo Bay, Kisarazu City of Chiba Prefecture in 30 mn. An artificial island located in the middle of course (Umibotaru) is a popular spot because you can admire Mt. Fuji and landing airplanes to Haneda Airport. Its construction began in August 1989 and the route opened for the public in December 1997.

Asahikawa city

alternative words: Asahikawashi city, Asahikawashi, Asahikawa-shi, Asahikawa shi, Asahikawa
keywords: hokkaido, town
related topics: Hokkaido prefecture , Sapporo city
related web sites:
explanation: Located at the center of Hokkaido near Daisetsu mountains, its history is relatively new. In fact, Asahikawa had developed by government sponsored militia-farmers (Tondenhei) during Meiji period then become the headquarters of 7e division. After the world war II, many light industries such as pulp, furniture, sake brewery have been implemented. It owns an airport and 3 railroads arrives there. Asahika is now the second largest city after Sapporo in Hokkaido with the population of 360,000.

Atami city

熱海市 熱海
alternative words: Atamishi city, Atamishi, Atami shi, Atami, Atami spa, Atami onsen
keywords: hot spring, town
related topics: Shizuoka prefecture , Hakone
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in eastern Shizuoka prefecture near Hakone mountain, Atami is one of the oldest and biggest hot springs in Japan. A legend says that hot waters were gushing out in the sea to kill many fishes: Atami is a phonetic deformation of Ataumi, i.e. "hot sea". Though Atami was frequented by many famous persons, its real expansion has begun when Tanna tunnel of Tokaido railway opened in 1934. As tourist spots, there are Hatsushima island and Jukkoku pass. The population is 45,000.

Atsugi city

厚木市 厚木
alternative words: Atsugishi city, Atsugishi, Atsugi shi, Atsugi
keywords: kanagawa, town
related topics: Kanagawa prefecture , Odakyu electric railway
related web sites:
explanation: Located in the center of Kanagawa prefecture on the western shore of Sagami river, Atsugi was a prosperous market town during Edo period thanks to the fluvial transport. The opening of Odakyu line which connects Atsugi to Tokyo has made it an important commuter suburb. Atsugi owns also many factories on car parts, electric and electronic appliances. An interchange of Tomei expressway is also there. The population is 205,000.

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