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category: JIS1radical: ![]() keyword: bird nb of strokes: 15 translation: sea gull ou 鴎: kamome 蝮
category: JIS2radical: ![]() keyword: reptile nb of strokes: 15 translation: viper, adder huku 蝮: mamushi check also: 蛇 盤
category: common usageradical: ![]() keyword: utensil nb of strokes: 15 translation: try, basin ban, han 盤: ban: pedestal (jp.) 盤: oozara: great dish 盤: tarai: basin Kanji words: 円盤 , 岩盤 , 地盤 , 基盤 , 骨盤 , 旋盤 , 算盤 , 胎盤 Expressions: 配電盤 , 回転盤 , 活字盤 , 計器盤 , 文字盤 , 制御盤 , 将棋盤 , 数字盤 , チェス盤 , ドーナツ盤 鋤
category: JIS1radical: ![]() keyword: farming nb of strokes: 15 translation: spade, plow, plough jo 鋤: suki 鋤で耕す: sukidetagayasu: plow the field <<< 耕 Kanji words: 鋤焼 synonyms: 犂 check also: スペード
category: JIS1radical: ![]() keyword: construction nb of strokes: 15 translation: collapse, ruin, crush, smash, break kai, e 潰す: tsubusu: crush, smash, break, mash, scrap, melt down, kill, butcher, waste 潰れる: tsubureru: collapse, be ruined, be crushed, be smashed, fall [be torn] to pieces, break, be worn down 潰れ易い: tsubureyasui: fragile, brittle <<< 易 潰える: tsuieru: collapse, be crushed down Kanji words: 潰瘍 Expressions: 叩き潰す , 肝を潰す , 虱を潰す , 乗り潰す , 捻り潰す , 握り潰す , 飲み潰れる , 暇を潰す , 踏み潰す , 擦り潰す , 顔が潰れる , 顔を潰す , 鶏を潰す , 手間潰 check also: 壊 歓
category: common usageradical: ![]() nb of strokes: 15 translation: happiness, joy, delight, rejoicing kan 歓ぶ: yorokobu: be glad, be pleased, be happy, rejoice 歓び: yorokobi: happiness, joy, delight (n.), rejoicing Kanji words: 歓談 , 歓迎 , 歓喜 , 交歓 synonyms: 喜 , 悦 暴
category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() keyword: war nb of strokes: 15 translation: devastate, ruin, rude, wild, violent, rough, disclose bou, baku 暴れる: abareru: act violently, rage, struggle 暴れ込む: abarekomu: break [force] into <<< 込 暴れ出す: abaredasu: go [run] wild, go rowdy [unruly, riotous], become restive <<< 出 暴れ回る: abaremawaru: rage about, run riot [amuck], rampage (about, around) <<< 回 暴らす: arasu: devastate, ruin, play havoc with, make havoc of, damage, plunder, rob <<< 荒 暴い: arai: rude, wild, violent, rough <<< 荒 暴か: niwaka: sudden <<< 俄 暴く: abaku: expose, disclose Kanji words: 暴露 , 暴動 , 暴風 , 暴行 , 暴落 , 暴利 , 暴力 , 暴騰 , 凶暴 , 横暴 , 乱暴 Expressions: 機密を暴く , 正体を暴く 潮
category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() keyword: sea nb of strokes: 15 translation: tide, maritime current chou 潮: shio 潮が差す: shiogasasu: flow (v.), be on the flow <<< 差 潮が満ちる: shiogamichiru <<< 満 潮が引く: shiogahiku: ebb (v.), be on the ebb <<< 引 潮が変わる: shiogakawaru: The tide turns [is one the turn] <<< 変 潮を吹く: shioohuku: spout water <<< 吹 潮: ushio: tide, dish seasoned only with salt (jp.) Kanji words: 引潮 , 風潮 , 干潮 , 満潮 , 潮時 , 潮風 check also: 汐 嘘
category: JIS1radical: ![]() nb of strokes: 15 translation: blow, sigh, ah kyo 嘘: uso: lie (jp.), falsehood, story, fabrication 嘘の: usono: false, untrue, forged 嘘を吐く: usootsuku: lie, tell a lie [falsehood, story] <<< 吐 嘘を吐け: usootsuke: Don't be silly! Nonsense! <<< 吐 嘘を教える: usoooshieru: give (a person) wrong information <<< 教 嘘の様な: usonoyouna: implausible, improbable <<< 様 嘘の様な話: usonoyounahanashi: incredible story 嘘の塊: usonokatamari: tissue of lies <<< 塊 嘘く: huku: blow <<< 吹 , 噴 Kanji words: 嘘吐き Expressions: 嘘発見器 , 嘘も方便 , 真赤な嘘 synonyms: 虚言 縄
category: common usageradical: ![]() keyword: crime , tool nb of strokes: 15 translation: cord, rope, cable, correct (v.) jou 縄: nawa: cord, rope, cable 縄に掛かる: nawanikakaru: be arrested <<< 掛 縄を掛ける: nawaokakeru: bind [fasten, tie] (with a rope), cord up, arrest <<< 掛 縄を解く: nawaotoku: unbind, untie, set (a person) free <<< 解 縄を張る: nawaoharu: stretch a rope, rope off [out] <<< 張 縄す: tadasu: correct (vt.), amend <<< 正 Kanji words: 縄文 , 縄張り , 縄跳 , 沖縄 , 注連縄 Expressions: 縄梯子 , 一筋縄 synonyms: ロープ , コード
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