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category: JIS1radical: ![]() nb of strokes: 10 translation: bright, luminous, shining, clear kou 晃らか: akiraka: bright, luminous, shining, clear 晃: akira, teru: pers. synonyms: 明 紘
category: JIS1radical: ![]() nb of strokes: 10 translation: string, cord kou 紘: himo: string, cord 紘: ooZuna: thick cord <<< 大綱 synonyms: 紐 根
category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() keyword: plant nb of strokes: 10 translation: root, source, origin kon 根: kon: root of mathematics expression (jp.) 根: ne: root (of plant) 根が付く: negatsuku: strike [take] root <<< 付 根を張る: neoharu: spread [stick] the root <<< 張 根を絶つ: neotatsu: uproot, disroot, unroot <<< 絶 根も葉も無い: nemohamonai: groundless, ungrounded, false 根に持つ: nenimotsu: bear a grudge against (a person) <<< 持 根こそぎ: nekosogi: root and all, entirely, thoroughly 根こそぎにする: nekosoginisuru: uproot, pull up (a tree) by the roots 根深い: nebukai: deep-rooted, deep-seated, inveterate, ingrained <<< 深 根強い: neZuyoi <<< 強 根掘り葉掘り: nehorihahori: pryingly 根掘り葉掘り尋ねる: nehorihahoritazuneru: cross-question, cross-examine, fire questions (at a person) 根掘り葉掘り問い質す: nehorihahoritoitadasu Kanji words: 大根 , 男根 , 羽根 , 垣根 , 禍根 , 根性 , 根気 , 根拠 , 根本 , 根絶 , 球根 , 根回し , 尾根 , 蓮根 , 精根 , 歯根 , 島根 , 屋根 Expressions: 蓮の根 , 平方根 , 寄生根 , 立方根 check also: 元 華
category: common usageradical: ![]() keyword: beauty nb of strokes: 10 translation: flower, beauty, brilliancy ka, ke, ge 華: hana: flower <<< 花 華やかな: hanayakana: gay, flowery, showy 華やかに: hanayakani: gaily, flowerily, showily Kanji words: 中華 , 豪華 , 華道 , 華麗 , 華氏 , 華族 , 万華鏡 , 蓮華 Expressions: 亜鉛華 , 硫黄華 , 石灰華
category: JIS2radical: ![]() nb of strokes: 10 translation: arbitrage, waywardness shi 恣: hoshiimama 恣な: hoshiimamana: arbitrary, despotic, wayward 恣に: hoshiimamani: at will [pleasure], as one likes Kanji words: 恣意 恵
category: common usageradical: ![]() keyword: moral nb of strokes: 10 translation: blessing, grace, favor, kindness, mercy, benevolence, charity, alms kei, e 恵む: megumu: give alms, give (a thing) in charity, bless (a person with), favor, confer [bestow] a favor (upon) 恵み: megumi: blessing, grace, favor, kindness, mercy, benevolence, charity, alms 恵みを請う: megumiokou: ask charity, beg for alms <<< 請 恵み深い: megumibukai: merciful, benevolent <<< 深 恵まれた: megumareta: fortunate, privileged 恵まれ無い: megumarenai: unfortunate <<< 無 恵い: satoi: sharp, clever, quick-witted, intelligent <<< 聡 Kanji words: 知恵 , 恩恵 Expressions: 幸運に恵まれる 豈
category: JIS2radical: ![]() nb of strokes: 10 translation: why not ki, gai 豈: ani 豈図らんや: anihakarannya: to one's great surprise, contrary to one's expectation <<< 図 衿
category: JIS2radical: ![]() keyword: clothes nb of strokes: 10 translation: collar kon, kin 衿: eri synonyms: 襟 鬼
category: common usageradical: ![]() keyword: fantasy nb of strokes: 10 translation: spirit, ogre, demon, fiend, devil ki 鬼: oni: spirit, ogre, demon, fiend, devil, brave (jp.), big (jp.) 鬼の様な: oninoyouna: fiendish, demoniac, inhuman, cruel <<< 様 鬼の目にも涙: oninomenimonamida: Even a foul fiend is capable of compassion 鬼の首でも取った様に: oninokubidemotottayouni: triumphantly, as happily as a king 鬼ごっこ: onigokko: tag, blindman's buff 鬼ごっこをする: onigokkoosuru: play tag, play blindman's buff 鬼: bakemono: demon, fiend, devil <<< 化物 Kanji words: 天邪鬼 , 餓鬼 , 鬼灯 , 鬼滅 , 鬼門 Expressions: 鬼も十八 , 吸血鬼 , 殺人鬼 , 鬼百合 案
category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() ![]() keyword: industry nb of strokes: 10 translation: desk, desk, table, bureau, think (ext.), consider, bill, measure, proposal, suggestion, proposition, plan, project, schema, idea an 案: an: bill, measure, proposal, suggestion, proposition, plan, project, schema, idea 案を出す: annodasu: make a proposal, propose <<< 出 案を立てる: annotateru: make a plan <<< 立 案の定: annnojou: as one (had) expected, as (was) expected <<< 定 案: tsukue: desk, table, bureau <<< 机 案える: kangaeru: think (about), consider <<< 考 Kanji words: 案内 , 法案 , 腹案 , 案山子 , 名案 , 立案 , 提案 , 図案 Expressions: 斡旋案 , 調停案 , 妥協案 , 具体案 , 補償案 , 実施案 , 条約案 , 改革案 , 改正案 , 改善案 , 確定案 , 勧告案 , 計画案 , 身の上を案じる , 政府案 , 整理案 , 修正案 , 案に相違して , 多数案 , 予算案 , 暫定案
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