Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 資,塗,蓬,蔦,詰,毀,節,豊,詫,雅

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category: to learn in school
keyword: finance
nb of strokes: 13
translation: treasure, heirloom, capital, funds
資する: shisuru: contribute [make a contribution] (to), make for, promote, help, be helpful (to)
資: takara: treasure, heirloom <<<
資: moto: capital, funds <<<
資ける: tasukeru: help (v.), aid <<<
資: tachi: nature, character <<<
Kanji words: 物資 , 外資 , 合資 , 資源 , 資本 , 資格 , 資金 , 資料 , 資産 , 出資 , 投資 , 融資

category: common usage
nb of strokes: 13
translation: paint, plaster, cover, way (conf.), road
塗: doro: mud, dirt <<<
塗る: nuru: paint, plaster, apply, coat, lay the blame (on a person)
塗れる: mamireru: be smeared, be covered
塗す: mabusu: cover [sprinkle] (a thing) with, spread
塗: michi: way, road <<<
Kanji words: 塗布 , 塗料 , 塗装
Expressions: 汗塗れの , 血塗れの , 泥塗れの , 泥に塗れる , 油を塗る , 埃塗れの , 塵に塗れる , 塵に塗れた , 漆を塗る , 漆塗りの , 壁を塗る , 絵具を塗る , 口紅を塗る , 靴墨を塗る , 軟膏を塗る , 石鹸を塗る , 漆喰で塗る , コールタールを塗る , ニスを塗る , バターを塗る , バターを塗ったパン , パラフィンを塗る , ペンキを塗る , ポマードを塗る , モルタルを塗る , ワックスを塗る

category: JIS1
keyword: plant
nb of strokes: 13
translation: mugwort
hou, bou
蓬: yomogi
Kanji words: 苦蓬

category: JIS1
keyword: plant
nb of strokes: 13
translation: ivy
蔦: tsuta
蔦に覆われた: tsutanioowareta: ivy-mantled, ivy-covered <<<

category: common usage
nb of strokes: 13
translation: rebuke, accuse, decry
詰る: najiru: rebuke, accuse, decry
詰める: tsumeru: fill (jp.), pack, squeeze
詰む: tsumu: checkmate (v., jp.)
詰まる: tsumaru: be stopped up (jp.), be short of
詰る所: tsumarutokoro: in the final analysis <<<
詰め: tsume: packaging, the end game (jp.), checkmate (n.)
詰め替える: tsumekaeru: repack, refill, rebottle <<<
詰め掛ける: tsumekakeru: throng, crowd, press forward, besieg <<<
詰め込む: tsumekomu: stuff (v.), pack, jam, crown (people) into, press (in, into) <<<
詰め寄る: tsumeyoru: press (hard) upon, draw close (to), edge up (to) <<<
詰り: tsumari: in the end (jp.), finally, in conclusion <<< 結局
詰らない: tsumaranai: trifling, trivial, insignificant, petty, valueless, goo-for-nothing, commonplace, dull, flat, uninteresting, insipid
詰らない物: tsumaranaimono: a trifle <<<
詰らない事: tsumaranaikoto: matter of no importance [consequence], trifling affair, trifle, triviality <<<
詰らない事を言う: tsumaranaikotooiu: talk nonsense [rot], say silly things
詰らない奴: tsumaranaiyatsu: poor [worthless, insignificant] fellow, bore, nobody <<<
詰らなそうに: tsumaranasouni: with a bored look, disappointedly, incuriously
詰らなく: tsumaranaku: idly, uselessly, cheerlessly
Kanji words: 瓶詰 , 腸詰 , 缶詰 , 詰合せ
Expressions: 上り詰める , 切り詰める , 列を詰める , 見詰める , 突き詰める , 思い詰める , 追い詰める , 通い詰める , 袋に詰める , 瓶に詰める , 問い詰める , 煮詰まる , 煮詰める , 鼻が詰る , 樽詰めの , 樽詰めにする , 藁を詰める , 弁当を詰める , 弾丸を詰める , 間隔を詰める , 根気を詰める , 切羽詰まる , 隙間に詰める , パイプが詰まる

category: JIS2
keyword: construction
nb of strokes: 13
translation: break, destroy, tear, rend, blame, censure, slander
毀つ: kobotsu: break, destroy, tear, rend
毀る: yaburu: tear, rend <<<
毀す: kowasu: destroy, break (vt.), demolish <<<
毀れる: kowareru: break (vi.), be broken [smashed, wrecked], be damaged, go to pieces
毀れ掛かった: kowarekakatta: half-ruined <<<
毀れ易い: kowareyasui: be easily broken, fragile, frail, delicate <<< , デリケート
毀る: soshiru: blame, censure, slander <<<
Kanji words: 毀損

category: to learn in school
keyword: book , music
nb of strokes: 13
translation: joint, knuckle, nodule, paragraph, section, clause, principles, occasion
setsu, sechi
節を曲げる: setsuomageru: go astray from one's principles <<<
節を売る: setsuouru: sell one's honor <<<
節: hushi: joint, knuckle, knot, knob, gnarl, tune, melody, air, tone, intonation, point, knotty, gnarled
節だらけの: hushidarakeno: knotty, gnarled
節の多い: hushinoooi <<<
節を付ける: hushiotsukeru: set a song to music <<<
Kanji words: 調節 , 節目 , 関節 , 鰹節 , 季節 , 御節 , 御節介 , 礼節 , 節句 , 節操 , 節分 , 節電 , 節度 , 節約 , 使節
Expressions: 不用の節は , 従属節 , 神経節 , リンパ節

category: to learn in school
nb of strokes: 13
translation: abundance, plenty, prosperity
hou, bu
豊か: yutaka: abundance, plenty, prosperity
豊かな: yutakana: abundant, plentiful, copious, ample, affluent, rich, wealthy, well-to-do, well off
豊かに: yutakani: abundantly, plentifully, amply, affluently, in affluence [opulence]
豊に暮らす: yutakanikurasu: live in ease and comfort, be well [comfortably] off, live in clover <<<
豊: toyo: nice (pref., jp.)
Kanji words: 豊富 , 豊穣 , 豊作 , 豊田
Expressions: 物資が豊か , 表情豊かな , 情緒豊かな , 家計が豊か , 感性豊か , 色彩豊かな , 財政が豊か , バストの豊かな

category: JIS1
keyword: greeting
nb of strokes: 13
translation: pretense, apology, excuse
詫び: wabi: apology, excuse
詫びを入れる: wabioireru: apologize to (a person for), make an apology [excuse] (for), be a person's pardon <<<
詫びる: wabiru
詫つ: kakotsu: make a pretense <<<

category: common usage
keyword: beauty
nb of strokes: 13
translation: elegant, grace
雅やかな: miyabiyakana: elegant, graceful <<< 上品 , スマート
雅に: tsuneni: always <<<
Kanji words: 雅楽 , 優雅

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Last update: 09/03/24 07:17