Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 遷,賠,駐,閲,糊,餌,餅,褪,稿,魅

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Direct access: , , , , , , , , 稿 ,

category: common usage
nb of strokes: 15
translation: go up (orig.), come up, mount, move (ext.), pass
遷る: utsuru: move, pass <<<
遷る: noboru: go up, come up, mount <<< ,
Kanji words: 変遷 , 左遷

category: common usage
keyword: law
nb of strokes: 15
translation: compensate, atone, indemnify
賠う: tsugunau: compensate, atone for, make up for, make reparation for, cover the loss, indemnify
Kanji words: 賠償

category: common usage
keyword: transport
nb of strokes: 15
translation: stop, stay, halt, park
chuu, chu
駐める: todomeru: stop, stay, halt, park
Kanji words: 駐車 , 駐在
check also:

category: common usage
keyword: book
nb of strokes: 15
translation: examine, control, probe
閲す: kemisu: examine (v.), control, probe
Kanji words: 閲覧 , 検閲 , 校閲

category: JIS1
keyword: material
nb of strokes: 15
translation: glue, gum, paste, starch, sticky
ko, go
糊: nori: glue (n.), gum, paste, starch
糊の効いた: norinokiita: well-starched <<<
糊を付ける: noriotsukeru: paste (v.), starch <<<
糊で貼る: norideharu: paste (v.), stick, glue <<<
Expressions: ゴム糊
check also: ボンド

category: JIS1
keyword: pet
nb of strokes: 15
translation: food, bait, decoy, allurement, rice cake
餌: e: food, bait, decoy, allurement
餌: esa
餌: mochi: rice cake <<<
餌を遣る: esaoyaru: feed (an animal) <<<
餌を与える: esaoataeru <<<
餌に成る: esaninaru: fall victim [prey] <<<
Expressions: 犬の餌
check also:

category: JIS1
keyword: food
nb of strokes: 15
translation: rice cake
餅: mochi
餅を搗く: mochiotsuku: beat steamed rice into rice cake
Kanji words: 鏡餅 , 柏餅 , 餅搗 , 煎餅 , 焼餅
Expressions: 牡丹餅 , 大福餅 , 黄粉餅

category: JIS2
keyword: clothes
nb of strokes: 15
translation: undress, strip, fade, discolor
tan, ton
褪ぐ: nugu: take [pull] off, undress, strip <<<
褪せる: aseru: fade, discolor
褪せた: aseta: faded, discolored
褪せ易い: aseyasui: fading, fugitive (colors) <<<
Expressions: 色が褪せる , 青褪める , 青褪めた


category: common usage
keyword: book
nb of strokes: 15
translation: straw
稿: wara: straw <<<
稿: shitagaki: rough draft (written on paper of straw)
Kanji words: 寄稿 , 投稿
Expressions: 未定稿

category: common usage
keyword: fantasy
nb of strokes: 15
translation: demon, magic, charm, spell, fascination, seductive
mi, bi
魅せられる: miserareru: be delighted [charmed]
Kanji words: 魑魅魍魎 , 魅力 , 魅了 , 魅惑
Expressions: 魔力に魅せられる

The displayed words on this page are 2393 - 2402 among 2857.
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Last update: 09/03/24 07:17