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案内pronunciation: annnaikanji characters: 案 , 内 keyword: travel translation: guidance, guide (n.), information 案内する: annnaisuru: guide (v.), act as a guide, show, usher (v.) 案内所: annnaisho: information bureau, inquiry office <<< 所 案内状: annnaijou: information [invitation] card <<< 状 案内人: annnainin: (tourist) guide, usher (n.) <<< 人 案内係: annnaigakari <<< 係 案内書: annnaisho: guidebook <<< 書 水先案内: mizusakiannnai: pilotage, piloting, pilot (n.) <<< 水先 水先案内する: mizusakiannnaisuru: pilot (a boat) <<< 水先 旅行案内: ryokouannnai: traveler's guide <<< 旅行 観光案内: kankouannnai: tourist information, tourist guide <<< 観光 遊覧案内: yuurannannnai: guidebook <<< 遊覧 営業案内: eigyouannnai: business guide <<< 営業 出荷案内: shukkaannnai: advice of shipment <<< 出荷 交通案内: koutsuuannnai: traffic guidance <<< 交通 check also: ガイド 暗躍pronunciation: annyakukanji characters: 暗 , 躍 keyword: crime translation: secret maneuvering, underground activities 暗躍する: annyakusuru: get about in secret, be active behind the scenes 安否pronunciation: anpikanji characters: 安 , 否 keyword: disaster translation: safety, welfare, fate 安否を尋ねる: anpiotazuneru: inquire after [ask about] a person's safety <<< 尋 安否を問う: anpiotou <<< 問 安否を知らせる: anpioshiraseru: let (a person) know how one is <<< 知 安否を気遣う: anpiokiZukau: worry about a person's safety 安否不明: anpihumei: unknown fate <<< 不明 安楽pronunciation: anrakukanji characters: 安 , 楽 keyword: life translation: comfort, ease 安楽な: anrakuna: comfortable, easy, happy 安楽な生活: anrakunaseikatsu: comfortable life <<< 生活 安楽に: anrakuni: comfortably, in comfort 安楽に感じる: anrakunikanjiru: be at ease, be relaxed, feel comfortable <<< 感 安楽に暮らす: anrakunikurasu: live in comfort, lead an easy life <<< 暮 安楽死: anrakushi: easy and painless death, mercy killing, euthanasia <<< 死 安楽椅子: anrakuisu: easy chair <<< 椅子 check also: 快適 , 呑気
暗殺pronunciation: ansatsukanji characters: 暗 , 殺 keyword: crime translation: assassination 暗殺する: ansatsusuru: assassinate 暗殺を企てる: ansatsuokuwadateru: make an attempt on a person's life <<< 企 暗殺を謀る: ansatsuohakaru <<< 謀 暗殺者: ansatsusha: assassin <<< 者 check also: 刺客 安心pronunciation: anshinkanji characters: 安 , 心 translation: relief, ease, rest, peace of mind, confidence 安心する: anshinsuru: feel easy, feel confident, be assured 安心させる: anshinsaseru: set at ease, relieve from anxiety 安心して: anshinshite: free from care, without anxiety, with confidence 安心して死ぬ: anshinshiteshinu: die in peace <<< 死 安心立命: anshinritsumei: peace of mind, spiritual peace, calm resignation check also: 安堵 , 信頼 , 安全 暗唱pronunciation: anshoukanji characters: 暗 , 唱 keyword: literature translation: recitation 暗唱する: anshousuru: recite, repeat from memory, say by rote 暗証pronunciation: anshoukanji characters: 暗 , 証 keyword: computer translation: (personal) identification 暗証する: anshousuru: identify oneself 暗証番号: anshoubangou: personal identification number, PIN, code number <<< 番号 安息pronunciation: ansokukanji characters: 安 , 息 keyword: religion translation: rest, repose 安息日: ansokubi: The Sabbath (day) <<< 日 安息所: ansokusho: resting place, retreat, sanctuary <<< 所 synonyms: 休憩 , 休息 安定pronunciation: anteikanji characters: 安 , 定 keyword: transport , politics translation: stability, stabilization, steadiness, ballast 安定な: anteina: stable, steady 安定した: anteishita 安定する: anteisuru: stabilize (vi.) 安定させる: anteisaseru: stabilize (vt.) 安定化: anteika: stabilization <<< 化 安定性: anteisei: stability <<< 性 安定感: anteikan: sense of security <<< 感 安定装置: anteisouchi: stabilizer <<< 装置 安定勢力: anteiseiryoku: stabilizing power <<< 勢力 不安定: huantei: unstable, unsteady, wonky, wobbly, slippery <<< 不
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