Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 針路,新郎,親類,侵略,新緑,診療,審査,震災,新作,診察

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Direct access: 針路 , 新郎 , 親類 , 侵略 , 新緑 , 診療 , 審査 , 震災 , 新作 , 診察


pronunciation: shinro
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 進路
keyword: travel
translation: course, direction
針路を取る: shinrootoru: head for <<<
針路を誤る: shinrooayamaru: take a wrong course, deviate from one's course <<<
針路を開く: shinroohiraku: open the way (for), cut one's way, make way <<<
針路を転じる: shinrootenjiru: change [shift, alter] one's course <<<
針路を変える: shinrookaeru <<<
針路を変えない: shinrookaenai: stand upon the course
針路を定める: shinroosadameru: fix one's course <<<
針路を外れる: shinroohazureru: sheer away, yaw <<<


pronunciation: shinrou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: bridegroom
新郎新婦: shinroushinpu: bride and bridegroom, newly married couple, newly-weds
synonyms: 花婿


pronunciation: shinrui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: relative, relation
親類である: shinruidearu: be a relation of, be related to
親類付合い: shinruiZukiai: intercourse with one's relative <<< 付合
親類縁者: shinruienja: friends and relatives
親類関係: shinruikankei: relationship, kinship <<< 関係
近い親類: chikaishinrui: close relative <<<
遠い親類: tooishinrui: remote relative <<<
synonyms: 親戚 , 親族


pronunciation: shinryaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: invasion, aggression
侵略する: shinryakusuru: invade
侵略的: shinryakuteki: aggressive <<<
侵略者: shinryakusha: invader, aggressor <<<
侵略軍: shinryakugun: invading army <<<
侵略国: shinryakukoku: aggressor nation [country] <<<
侵略主義: shinryakushugi: aggressive policy <<< 主義
侵略戦争: shinryakusensou: war of aggression <<< 戦争
領土侵略: ryoudoshinryaku: invasion of a territory <<< 領土
synonyms: 侵害 , 襲来


pronunciation: shinryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: fresh green, verdure
新緑の頃: shinryokunokoro: season of fresh verdure <<<
新緑の季節しんりょくのきせつ: <<< 季節
check also: 青葉


pronunciation: shinryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: medical treatment
診療する: shinryousuru: treat (medically)
診療を受ける: shinryououkeru: be treated <<<
診療所: shinryousho, shinryoujo: clinic, dispensary <<< , クリニック
診療時間: shinryoujikan: consultation hours <<< 時間
外来診療: gairaishinryou: outpatient clinic, ambulatory <<< 外来
synonyms: 診察


pronunciation: shinsa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: judgment, audit (n.), examination, vetting
審査する: shinsasuru: examine, judge (v.), audit (v.), vet
審査員: shinsain: judge, examiner <<<
審査委員: shinsaiin <<< 委員
審査委員会: shinsaiinkai: inquiry counsel <<<
審査会: shinsakai
資格審査: shikakushinsa: examination of qualification <<< 資格
入国審査: nyuukokushinsa: control of the entry <<< 入国
給与審査: kyuuyoshinsa: salary review <<< 給与
synonyms: 審理


pronunciation: shinsai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: earthquake disaster
震災に遭う: shinsainiau: suffer from earthquake <<<
震災地: shinsaichi: earthquake stricken district <<<
大震災: daishinsai: great earthquake disaster <<<
check also: 地震


pronunciation: shinsaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: new (piece of) work


pronunciation: shinsatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: medical examination
診察する: shinsatsusuru: examine a patient
診察を受ける: shinsatsuoukeru: consult a physician, be examined <<<
診察室: shinsatsushitsu: consultation [consulting] room <<<
診察料: shinsatsuryou: doctor's fee, fee for a medical examination <<<
診察日: shinsatsubi: consultation [consulting] day <<<
診察時間: shinsatsujikan: consultation [consulting] hours <<< 時間
外来診察: gairaishinsatsu: outpatient clinic, ambulatory <<< 外来
患者を診察する: kanjaoshinsatsusuru: examine a patient <<< 患者
synonyms: 診療 , 診断

The displayed words on this page are 6801 - 6810 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29