Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 世紀,正規,精根,成功,性交,制空権,盛況,請求,声明,姓名

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Direct access: 世紀 , 正規 , 精根 , 成功 , 性交 , 制空権 , 盛況 , 請求 , 声明 , 姓名


pronunciation: seiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , calendar
translation: century
世紀末: seikimatsu: end of the century, fin-de-siècle <<<
前世紀: zenseiki: the last [past] century <<<
半世紀: hanseiki: half a century <<<
一世紀: isseiki: the first century, one century <<<
黄金世紀: ougonseiki: golden century <<< 黄金
check also: 百年


pronunciation: seiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: regularity, legality
正規の: seikino: regular, legal, proper
正規の手続きを踏む: seikinotetsuZukiohumu: go through the regular procedure [due formalities]
正規のルート: seikinoruuto: legal channel <<< ルート
正規軍: seikigun: regular army <<<
正規兵: seikihei: regulars (soldiers) <<<
正規品: seikihin: genuine article <<< , 本物
正規店: seikiten: official shop <<<
check also: 正式


pronunciation: seikon
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 精魂
translation: heart and soul
精根を尽くす: seikonnotsukusu: do one's best, try one's utmost <<<
精根を打ち込む: seikonnouchikomu: devote all one's energy (to), put one's heart and soul (into)
精根を傾ける: seikonnokatamukeru <<<


pronunciation: seikou
kanji characters: ,
translation: success, prosperity, hit, accomplishment
成功する: seikousuru: succeed, be successful
成功した: seikoushita: successful
成功しない: seikoushinai: be a failure, fail in
成功談: seikoudan: success story <<<
成功者: seikousha: successful man <<<
大成功: daiseikou: big success <<<
antonyms: 失敗


pronunciation: seikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sex
translation: sexual intercourse
性交の: seikouno: venereal
性交する: seikousuru: have sexual intercourse (with), fuck
性交不能: seikouhunou: impotence <<< 不能
synonyms: 生殖


pronunciation: seikuuken
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: war
translation: air supremacy, command of the air
制空権を握る: seikuukennonigiru: have the command of the air <<<


pronunciation: seikyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: prosperity, boom, success, hit
盛況を呈する: seikyouoteisuru: be prosperous, be thriving <<<
synonyms: 繁盛


pronunciation: seikyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: claim (n.), demand, application
請求する: seikyuusuru: claim (v.), demand, request, apply (for), ask (for)
請求に応じる: seikyuunioujiru: meet (a person's) demand, comply with (a person's) request <<<
請求通に: seikyuudoorini: as requested [demanded] <<<
請求額: seikyuugaku: amount claimed <<<
請求権: seikyuuken: (right of) claim <<<
請求者: seikyuusha: claimant, demandant, applicant <<<
請求書: seikyuusho: account, bill, invoice <<<
請求書を出す: seikyuushoodasu: submit [send in] a bill <<<
請求書発行: seikyuushohakkou: invoicing <<< 発行
請求書発行システム: seikyuushohakkoushisutemu: invoicing system
請求次第: seikyuushidai: on demand, at a person's request
請求払手形: seikyuubaraitegata: demand draft (bill)
再審を請求する: saishinnoseikyuusuru: apply for a new trial <<< 再審
synonyms: 要求


pronunciation: seimei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: declaration, announcement, statement
声明する: seimeisuru: declare, announce
声明を発表する: seimeiohappyousuru: issue a statement (on) <<< 発表
声明書: seimeisho: a public statement <<<
抗議声明: kougiseimei: protest statement <<< 抗議
公式声明: koushikiseimei: official statement <<< 公式
爆弾声明: bakudanseimei: bombshell declaration <<< 爆弾
共同声明: kyoudouseimei: joint statement <<< 共同
重大声明: juudaiseimei: momentous announcement <<< 重大


pronunciation: seimei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: name
translation: full name
姓名を告げる: seimeiotsugeru: give one's name <<<
姓名を偽る: seimeioitsuwaru: give a false name <<<
姓名不詳: seimeihushou: unidentified
姓名判断: seimeihandan: onomancy <<< 判断
住所姓名: juushoseimei: one's name and address <<< 住所
check also: 名前

The displayed words on this page are 6261 - 6270 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29