Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 入院,乳児,入場,乳化,入荷,入会,入金,入国,入門,入力

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Direct access: 入院 , 乳児 , 入場 , 乳化 , 入荷 , 入会 , 入金 , 入国 , 入門 , 入力


pronunciation: nyuuin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: hospitalization
入院する: nyuuinsuru: enter the hospital
入院させる: nyuuinsaseru: put a person in hospital, hospitalize
入院中: nyuuinchuu: in a hospital <<<
入院料: nyuuinryou: hospital charges <<<
入院患者: nyuuinkanja: inpatient <<< 患者
入院治療: nyuuinchiryou: hospital treatment <<< 治療
入院手続: nyuuintetsuZuki: arrangement for entering a hospital <<< 手続
check also: 退院


pronunciation: nyuuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: kids
translation: suckling, baby
乳児食: nyuujishoku: baby food <<<
check also: 赤ん坊 , ベビー


pronunciation: nyuujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , show
translation: entrance, admission
入場する: nyuujousuru: enter, be admitted (in, into)
入場料: nyuujouryou: admission fee <<<
入場税: nyuujouzei: admission tax <<<
入場券: nyuujouken: entrance [admission] ticket, platform ticket <<<
入場券売場: nyuujoukennuriba: ticket [booking] office <<< 売場
入場者: nyuujousha: visitors, attendance <<<
入場式: nyuujoushiki: opening ceremony <<<
入場随意: nyuujouzuii: free to all
入場無料: nyuujoumuryou: admission free <<< 無料
入場禁止: nyuujoukinshi: No admittance [entrance] <<< 禁止


pronunciation: nyuuka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: emulsification
乳化する: nyuukasuru: emulsify
乳化剤: nyuukazai: emulsifier <<<


pronunciation: nyuuka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: receipt, arrival of goods
入荷する: nyuukasuru: (goods) arrive, be received
check also: 出荷


pronunciation: nyuukai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , amusement
translation: admission
入会する: nyuukaisuru: join [enter] a club [a society]
入会を許す: nyuukaioyurusu: admit to membership (into a society) <<<
入会金: nyuukaikin: entrance fee <<<
入会者: nyuukaisha: new member <<<
入会許可: nyuukaikyoka: admission <<< 許可
check also: 加入 , 退会


pronunciation: nyuukin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: payment, money received, cash receipts, money due, part payment
入金する: nyuukinsuru: pay (on account), receive (partially)
入金伝票: nyuukindenpyou: paying-in slip <<< 伝票


pronunciation: nyuukoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel , administration
translation: entrance [entry] into a country
入国する: nyuukokusuru: enter [be admitted into] a country
入国者: nyuukokusha: entering person <<<
入国許可: nyuukokukyoka: entry permit <<< 許可
入国を許可する: nyuukokuokyokasuru: admit (a person) into a country
入国禁止: nyuukokukinshi: entry forbidden <<< 禁止
入国を禁止する: nyuukokuokinshisuru: forbid the entry to a country
入国を拒否する: nyuukokuokyohisuru: refuse [deny] (a person) entry into a country <<< 拒否
入国制限: nyuukokuseigen: immigration restrictions <<< 制限
入国査証: nyuukokusashou: visa <<< 査証
入国手続: nyuukokutetsuZuki: entry formalities <<< 手続
入国審査: nyuukokushinsa: control of the entry <<< 審査
入国管理: nyuukokukanri <<< 管理
入国管理局: nyuukokukanrikyoku: Immigration Bureau <<<
入国管理事務所: nyuukokukanrijimusho: Immigration Office
不法入国: huhounyuukoku: illegal entry <<< 不法
check also: 出国


pronunciation: nyuumon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: admission (in a private academy), guide, introduction
入門する: nyuumonsuru: become one of a person's pupils
入門書: nyuumonsho: handbook, guidebook, elements, rudiments <<<
入門者: nyuumonsha: beginner <<<
入門者用: nyuumonshayou: for beginners <<<
check also: 初心 , 初級


pronunciation: nyuuryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer
translation: input (n.)
入力する: nyuuryokusuru: input (v.)
入力システム: nyuuryokushisutemu: entry system <<< システム
synonyms: インプット

The displayed words on this page are 5548 - 5557 among 8899.
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Last update: 10/01/25 18:10