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感電pronunciation: kandenkanji characters: 感 , 電 keyword: electricity translation: electric shock 感電する: kandensuru: receive an electric shock 感電死: kandenshi: death by an electric shock <<< 死 感電死する: kandenshisuru: be killed by an electric shock check also: 電撃 感動pronunciation: kandoukanji characters: 感 , 動 keyword: show translation: impression, emotion, excitement 感動する: kandousuru: be affected [touched, moved], be impressed [struck] 感動させる: kandousaseru: move, impress, touch, pathetic 感動し易い: kandoushiyasui: impressionable, emotional <<< 易 感動的: kandouteki: impressive, touching, moving, pathetic <<< 的 synonyms: 感激 金蔓pronunciation: kaneZurukanji characters: 金 , 蔓 other spells: 金づる translation: source of revenue, financial supporter [backer] 兼合pronunciation: kaneaikanji characters: 兼 , 合 other spells: 兼ね合 translation: balance, equilibrium, harmony
金貸pronunciation: kanekashikanji characters: 金 , 貸 keyword: finance translation: moneylender, usurer 金貸をする: kanekashiosuru: lend out money, loan money, practice usury 金貸業: kanekashigyou: moneylending, usury <<< 業 金持pronunciation: kanemochikanji characters: 金 , 持 keyword: society translation: man of wealth, rich [wealthy] man [person], the rich 金持な: kanemochina: rich, wealthy 金持に成る: kanemochininaru: become [get, grow] rich <<< 成 金持もちに生まれる: kanemochiniumareru: be born rich <<< 生 金持階級: kanemochikaikyuu: moneyed class, the rich <<< 階級 大金持: ooganemochi: billionaire <<< 大 check also: 長者 , リッチ 加熱pronunciation: kanetsukanji characters: 加 , 熱 keyword: food , chemistry translation: heating 加熱する: kanetsusuru: heat (v.) 加熱処理: kanetsushori: heat treatment [treating], thermal treatment <<< 処理 加熱殺菌: kanetsusakkin: sterilization by heat [heating] <<< 殺菌 加熱分解: kanetsubunkai: decomposition by heat [heating] <<< 分解 感慨pronunciation: kangaikanji characters: 感 , 慨 translation: deep emotion 感慨に耽る: kangainihukeru: be immersed in one's thoughts <<< 耽 感慨に浸る: kangainihitaru <<< 浸 感慨無量: kangaimuryou: be filled with deep emotion 灌漑pronunciation: kangaikeyword: farming translation: irrigation, watering 灌漑する: kangaisuru: irrigate, water (v.) 灌漑運河: kangaiunga: irrigation canal [channel] <<< 運河 灌漑用水: kangaiyousui: irrigation water 歓迎pronunciation: kangeikanji characters: 歓 , 迎 keyword: greeting translation: welcome, reception 歓迎する: kangeisuru: welcome, hail 歓迎される: kangeisareru: be warmly received 歓迎を受ける: kangeioukeru <<< 受 歓迎会: kangeikai: welcome party, reception <<< 会 歓迎者: kangeisha: welcomer <<< 者 歓迎委員会: kangeiiinkai: reception committee check also: 接待 , 応接
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