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意図pronunciation: itokanji characters: 意 , 図 translation: intention, intend, purpose, aim (n.) 意図する: itosuru: intend, aim at 意図的: itoteki: intentional, deliberate <<< 的 意図的に: itotekini: intentionally, deliberately 糸杉pronunciation: itosugikanji characters: 糸 , 杉 keyword: tree translation: cypress 何時pronunciation: itsu , nanjikanji characters: 何 , 時 keyword: time translation: when, what time 何時も: itsumo: always, usually, habitually 何時でも: itsudemo: any time 何時だって: itsudatte 何時から: itsukara: from what time, since when, how long 何時か: itsuka: some time, some day, one of these days, once, at one time, before, the other day 何時に: nanjini: at what time 何時の間にか: itsunomanika: before one knows, unawares, unnoticed <<< 間 何時の間に: itsunomani 何時迄も: itsumademo: forever, permanently <<< 迄 何時頃: itsugoro: about what time <<< 頃 今何時ですか: imananjidesuka: What time is it? Have you got the time? <<< 今 大抵何時も: taiteiitsumo: almost always <<< 大抵 逸脱pronunciation: itsudatsukanji characters: 逸 , 脱 translation: deviation 逸脱する: itsudatsusuru: deviate (from)
五日pronunciation: itsuka , gonichikanji characters: 五 , 日 other spells: 5日 keyword: calendar translation: five days, the fifth day (of month) 五日間: itsukakan: five days <<< 間 五日目: itsukame: fifth day <<< 目 胃痛pronunciation: itsuukanji characters: 胃 , 痛 keyword: disease translation: stomachache, gastralgia check also: 腹痛 逸話pronunciation: itsuwakanji characters: 逸 , 話 keyword: history , literature translation: anecdote, episode 逸話的: itsuwateki: anecdotal <<< 的 逸話集: itsuwashuu: collection of anecdotes <<< 集 check also: エピゾード 逸材pronunciation: itsuzaikanji characters: 逸 , 材 translation: man of talent check also: 有能 , 才能 一体pronunciation: ittaikanji characters: 一 , 体 translation: one body, in fact, really, properly speaking, (what, who, where) on earth [in the world], (what) the hell [deuce] 一体に: ittaini: generally (speaking), on the whole, as a rule 一体と成って: ittaitonatte: in a body, together <<< 成 一体如何したのだ: ittaidoushitanoda: What is it all about? What the deuce is the matter? <<< 如何 一体化: ittaika: unification <<< 化 一体化する: ittaikasuru: unify 一体感: ittaikan: sense of togetherness <<< 感 三位一体: sanmiittai: Trinity <<< 三位 三位一体の: sanmiittaino: Trinitarian <<< 三位 check also: 団結 一旦pronunciation: ittankanji characters: 一 , 旦 keyword: time translation: once 一旦緩急有れば: ittankankyuuareba: in an emergency, at [in] a pinch synonyms: 一度
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