Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 機嫌,記号,器具,危惧,奇遇,起業,企業,気迫,希薄,規範

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Direct access: 機嫌 , 記号 , 器具 , 危惧 , 奇遇 , 起業 , 企業 , 気迫 , 希薄 , 規範


pronunciation: kigen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: humor, mood, temper
機嫌良く: kigennyoku: cheerfully, willingly, with a good grace <<<
機嫌が良い: kigengaii, kigengayoi: be in good humor, cheerful
機嫌が良く成る: kigengayokunaru: recover one's temper, brighten up
機嫌を直す: kigennonaosu <<<
機嫌が悪い: kigengawarui: be in bad humor [out of humor] <<<
機嫌が悪く成る: kigengawarukunaru: sulk, upset <<<
機嫌を取る: kigennotoru: flatter, court, ingratiate <<<
機嫌を伺う: kigennoukagau: ask a person's health, pay one's respects <<<
機嫌を害う: kigennosokonau: offend, hurt <<<
機嫌を損じる: kigennosonjiru <<<
上機嫌: joukigen: good [high] spirits <<<
上機嫌の: joukigennno: in good [high] spirits, good-humored, merry, cheerful
不機嫌: hukigen: bad [ill] humor, displeasure, tantrum <<<
不機嫌の: hukigennno: discontented, disgruntled, grumpy, crusty
御機嫌は: gokigenha: How are you? <<<
御機嫌は如何: gokigenhaikaga <<< 如何
御機嫌よう: gokigennyou: How are you? adieu, farewell, bon voyage <<<
一杯機嫌: ippaikigen: tipsy <<< 一杯
synonyms: 気分


pronunciation: kigou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: sign, mark, symbol
記号の: kigouno: symbolic
記号を付ける: kigouotsukeru: mark, put a mark <<<
記号で表す: kigoudearawasu: represent with a symbol <<<
記号学: kigougaku: semiology, semiotics <<<
記号論: kigouron <<<
記号論理学: kigouronrigaku: symbolic [mathematical] logic
記号法: kigouhou: notation <<<
発音記号: hatsuonkigou: phonetic sign <<< 発音
反復記号: hanpukukigou: sign of repetition, ditto sign [marks] <<< 反復
化学記号: kagakukigou: chemical signs [symbols] <<< 化学
銘柄記号: meigarakigou: stock symbol <<< 銘柄
代数記号: daisuukigou: algebraical sign <<< 代数
プラス記号: purasukigou: plus sign <<< プラス
マイナス記号: mainasukigou: minus sign <<< マイナス
モールス記号: moorusukigou: Morse code <<< モールス
synonyms: 符号


pronunciation: kigu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: tool
translation: instrument, apparatus, appliance, utensil
医療器具: iryoukigu: medical apparatus <<< 医療
照明器具: shoumeikigu: lighting installation <<< 照明
測定器具: sokuteikigu: measuring apparatus <<< 測定
測量器具: sokuryoukigu: surveying instrument <<< 測量
体操器具: taisoukigu: gymnastic appliances <<< 体操
電気器具: denkikigu: electric apparatus, appliance <<< 電気
check also: 機器 , 器械


pronunciation: kigu
kanji characters:
translation: fear, apprehension, misgiving
危惧する: kigusuru: be anxious about, entertain misgivings
危惧の念を抱く: kigunonennoidaku
synonyms: 心配


pronunciation: kiguu
kanji characters: ,
translation: chance [unexpected] meeting
check also: 遭遇


pronunciation: kigyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: start [foundation] of an enterprise
起業する: kigyousuru: start [embark in] an enterprise [a business]


pronunciation: kigyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , industry
translation: company, firm, enterprise
企業を起こす: kigyouookosu: plan an enterprise <<<
企業化: kigyouka: commercialization <<<
企業化する: kigyoukasuru: industrialize, commercialize, produce on a commercial basis
企業家: kigyouka: enterpriser <<<
企業熱: kigyounetsu: industrial fever <<<
企業心: kigyoushin: enterprising spirit <<<
企業契約: kigyoukeiyaku: affiliation, intercompany agreement <<< 契約
企業合同: kigyougoudou: trust
企業連合: kigyourengou: cartel <<< 連合
企業コード: kigyoukoodo: employer identification number, EIN <<< コード
私企業: shikigyou: private company <<<
大企業: daikigyou: large [major] company <<<
小企業: shoukigyou: small company <<<
複合企業: hukugoukigyou: conglomerate <<< 複合
大手企業: ootekigyou: major company <<< 大手
一流企業: ichiryuukigyou: first-rate [blue-ribbon] corporation <<< 一流
上場企業: joujoukigyou: listed company [enterprise] <<< 上場
傘下の企業: sankanokigyou: subsidiary company <<< 傘下
巨大企業: kyodaikigyou: megabusiness, megacorporation <<< 巨大
マンモス企業: manmosukigyou: mammoth enterprise <<< マンモス
synonyms: 会社 , 事業


pronunciation: kihaku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 気魄
translation: spirit, vigor, temper
気迫が籠った: kihakugakomotta: full of spirit <<<
気迫が有る: kihakugaaru: be full of spirit <<<
気迫が無い: kihakuganai: be lacking in spirit <<<
check also: 気合


pronunciation: kihaku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 稀薄
keyword: nature
translation: rarity, thinness
希薄な: kihakuna: weak, thin, diluted, sparse, rare
希薄な空気: kihakunakuuki: rarefied [thin] air <<< 空気
希薄にする: kihakunisuru: weaken, rarefy, dilute


pronunciation: kihan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: standard, norm, criterion
規範文法: kihanbunpou: prescriptive grammar <<< 文法
check also: 規格 , スタンダード

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Last update: 10/01/25 18:10