Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 教皇,強行,教訓,供給,共鳴,興味,教務,享楽,強烈,郷里

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Direct access: 教皇 , 強行 , 教訓 , 供給 , 共鳴 , 興味 , 教務 , 享楽 , 強烈 , 郷里


pronunciation: kyoukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity , history
translation: Pope
教皇の: kyoukouno: pontifical
教皇庁: kyoukouchou: Vatican <<< , バチカン
ローマ教皇: roomakyoukou: Pope <<< ローマ
synonyms: 法王


pronunciation: kyoukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: forcing, coercion
強行する: kyoukousuru: force (v.), enforce
強行軍: kyoukougun: fast [forced] march, slog <<<


pronunciation: kyoukun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: teachings, instruction, precept, lesson, moral (n.)
教訓を垂れる: kyoukunnotareru: give a lessen <<<
教訓を予える: kyoukunnoataeru <<<
教訓を得る: kyoukunnoeru: learn a lesson (from) <<<
教訓てきな: kyoukuntekina: didactic, moral (a.), edifying


pronunciation: kyoukyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: supply (n.), provision
供給する: kyoukyuusuru: supply (v.), provide, furnish
供給を受ける: kyoukyuuoukeru: be supplied with, get a supply of <<<
供給者: kyoukyuusha: supplier, provider <<<
供給国: kyoukyuukoku: supplying country <<<
供給源: kyoukyuugen: source of supply <<<
供給量: kyoukyuuryou: supplied quantity <<<
供給路: kyoukyuuro: supply route <<<
供給網: kyoukyuumou: supply chain <<<
供給不足: kyoukyuubusoku: short supply, under-supply <<< 不足
供給過剰: kyoukyuukajou: excessive supply, over-supply, glut <<< 過剰
供給過多: kyoukyuukata
通貨供給: tsuukakyoukyuu: money supply <<< 通貨
電力供給: denryokukyoukyuu: power supply <<< 電力
物資を供給する: busshiokyoukyuusuru: give a supply of goods <<< 物資
需要供給: juyoukyoukyuu: demand and supply <<< 需要
エネルギー供給: enerugiikyoukyuu: energy supply <<< エネルギー
synonyms: 支給
antonyms: 需要


pronunciation: kyoumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: audio
translation: resonance, sympathy
共鳴する: kyoumeisuru: be resonant, reverberate, echo (v.), sympathize [feel] with, respond to
共鳴者: kyoumeisha: sympathizer <<<
共鳴器: kyoumeiki: resonator <<<
共鳴箱: kyoumeibako <<<
共鳴吸収: kyoumeikyuushuu: resonance absorption <<< 吸収
synonyms: 反響 , 共感


pronunciation: kyoumi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: interests
興味有る: kyoumiaru: interesting <<<
興味無い: kyouminai: uninteresting, flat, dull <<<
興味を持つ: kyoumiomotsu: interest (v.) <<<
興味を持って: kyoumiomotte: with interest
興味を失う: kyoumioushinau: lose interest <<<
興味深い: kyoumibukai: profoundly interesting, full of interests <<<
興味津々: kyoumishinshin <<<
興味を示す: kyoumioshimesu: show interest <<<
興味を削ぐ: kyoumiosogu: spoil a person's pleasure <<<
興味を引く: kyoumiohiku: arouse a person's interest in <<<
興味をそそる: kyoumiososoru
check also: 趣味 , 面白


pronunciation: kyoumu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: school affairs
教務課: kyoumuka: instruction department <<<


pronunciation: kyouraku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: enjoyment, pleasure
享楽する: kyourakusuru: enjoy, take delight in, take pleasure from
享楽に耽る: kyourakunihukeru: be addicted to pleasure <<<
享楽好きの: kyourakuzukino: fun-loving, pleasure-loving, pleasure-seeking <<<
享楽的: kyourakuteki <<<
享楽気分: kyourakukibun: gay feeling, gay atmosphere, holiday mood <<< 気分
享楽主義: kyourakushugi: epicureanism, hedonism, dilettantism <<< 主義
享楽主義者: kyourakushugisha: epicurean, epicure, hedonist, dilettante <<<
synonyms: 快楽


pronunciation: kyouretsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: intensity, strength
強烈な: kyouretsuna: intense, strong, mighty
強烈な色: kyouretsunairo: loud [gay, strong, shrill] color <<<
強烈な色彩: kyouretsunashikisai <<< 色彩
強烈な一撃: kyouretsunaichigeki: crushing blow <<< 一撃
synonyms: 強力


pronunciation: kyouri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: one's home, one's home town [country, birthplace]
synonyms: 故郷

The displayed words on this page are 4599 - 4608 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29