Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 憲法,絢爛,権利,権力,検査,検索,検察,牽制,建設,剣士

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Direct access: 憲法 , 絢爛 , 権利 , 権力 , 検査 , 検索 , 検察 , 牽制 , 建設 , 剣士


pronunciation: kenpou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , law
translation: constitution
憲法の: kenpouno: constitutional
憲法上の: kenpoujouno <<<
憲法違反: kenpouihan: violation of the constitution <<< 違反
憲法違反の: kenpouihannno: unconstitutional
憲法制度: kenpouseido: constitutional system <<< 制度
憲法学者: kenpougakusha: constitutionalist <<< 学者
憲法改正: kenpoukaisei: revision of the constitution <<< 改正
憲法記念日: kenpoukinenbi: Constitution Memorial Day (3 May in Japan)


pronunciation: kenran
kanji characters:
keyword: decoration
translation: gorgeousness, splendor, magnificence
絢爛たる: kenrantaru: gorgeous, brilliant, bright, flowery, splendid, magnificent
synonyms: 華麗 , 豪華


pronunciation: kenri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law , finance
translation: right, claim, privilege
権利が有る: kenrigaaru: privileged, deserved <<<
権利を与える: kenrioataeru: entitle, enable <<<
権利を譲る: kenrioyuzuru: transfer [hand over] the right <<<
権利を譲渡する: kenriojoutosuru <<< 譲渡
権利を放棄する: kenriohoukisuru: renounce one's rights, release one's right <<< 放棄
権利放棄: kenrihouki: a release, waiver
権利を得る: kenrioeru: get a right <<<
権利を取得する: kenrioshutokusuru <<< 取得
権利を行使する: kenriokoushisuru: exercise one's rights <<< 行使
権利者: kenrisha: holder of a right, entitled person <<<
権利株: kenrikabu: potential shares <<<
権利金: kenrikin: key money <<<
権利書: kenrisho: certificate of title, title deed <<<
権利証書: kenrishousho <<< 証書
権利義務: kenrigimu: right and obligation <<< 義務
当然の権利: touzennnokenri: undoubted right <<< 当然


pronunciation: kenryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: (political) power, influence, authority
権力の有る: kenryokunoaru: powerful <<<
権力の無い: kenryokunonai: powerless <<<
権力に屈する: kenryokunikussuru: succumb to authority <<<
権力を揮う: kenryokuohuruu: exercise one's authority <<<
権力を握る: kenryokuonigiru: assume authority, come into power <<<
権力争い: kenryokuarasoi: power struggle <<<
権力者: kenryokusha: powerful man, influential person <<<
権力欲: kenryokuyoku: lust for power <<<
国家権力: kokkakenryoku: state [governmental] authority <<< 国家


pronunciation: kensa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security , medicine
translation: check (n.), control (n.), examination, inspection
検査する: kensasuru: check (v.), control (v.), examine, inspect
検査を受ける: kensaoukeru: submit to inspection, be inspected <<<
検査官: kensakan: inspector, examiner, auditor <<<
検査所: kensajo: inspection office <<<
検査役: kensayaku: ringside judge (in Sumo) <<<
検査済: kensazumi: already examined <<<
再検査: saikensa: reexamination, reinspection <<<
再検査する: saikensasuru: examine again, reexamine, reinspect
尿検査: nyoukensa: urine test, urinalysis <<< 尿
血液検査: ketsuekikensa: blood test <<< 血液
精密検査: seimitsukensa: close examination <<< 精密
知能検査: chinoukensa: intelligence test, IQ test <<< 知能
飲酒検査: inshukensa: breathalyzer test, breath test <<< 飲酒
適性検査: tekiseikensa: aptitude test <<< 適性
帳簿を検査する: choubookensasuru: examine accounts <<< 帳簿
機能検査: kinoukensa: efficacy [functional] check <<< 機能
性能検査: seinoukensa: efficiency [performance] test <<< 性能
透視検査: toushikensa: fluoroscopy <<< 透視
会計検査: kaikeikensa: financial audit <<< 会計
抽出検査: chuushutsukensa: spot-check <<< 抽出
顕微鏡検査: kenbikyoukensa: microscopic examination <<< 顕微鏡
定期検査: teikikensa: periodical inspection <<< 定期
税関検査: zeikankensa: customs check [control, examination, inspection] <<< 税関
服装検査: hukusoukensa: dress inspection <<< 服装
立入検査: tachiirikensa: inspection <<< 立入
立入検査する: tachiirikensasuru: inspect <<< 立入
視力検査: shiryokukensa: test of eyesight <<< 視力
身体検査: shintaikensa: medical checkup, physical examination, searching, body-search (n.) <<< 身体
身体検査をする: shintaikensaosuru: perform a medical examination, registrar a uno, body-search (v.) <<< 身体
徴兵検査: chouheikensa: [army] physical examination <<< 徴兵
妊娠検査: ninshinkensa: pregnancy test <<< 妊娠
エイズ検査: eizukensa: aids test <<< エイズ
レントゲン検査: rentogenkensa: X-ray examination <<< レントゲン
ドーピング検査: doopingukensa: dope check <<< ドーピング
synonyms: チェック
check also: 試験


pronunciation: kensaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer
translation: search (n.), retrieval
検索する: kensakusuru: search (v.), retrieve
検索エンジン: kensakuenjin: search engine <<< エンジン
検索機能: kensakukinou: search function <<< 機能
検索結果: kensakukekka: search result <<< 結果
check also: サーチ , 詮索


pronunciation: kensatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: criminal investigation
検察官: kensatsukan: public prosecutor, prosecuting attorney <<< , 検事
検察庁: kensatsuchou: Public Prosecutor's Office <<<
検察庁長官: kensatsuchouchoukan: Attorney General, Solicitor General <<< 長官
検察当局: kensatsutoukyoku: procuratorial authorities, prosecution <<< 当局


pronunciation: kensei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: restraint, diversion, feint
牽制する: kenseisuru: restrain, divert
牽制球: kenseikyuu: feint ball (in baseball) <<<
牽制作戦: kenseisakusen: diversionary tactics <<< 作戦


pronunciation: kensetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: construction, establishment, foundation
建設する: kensetsusuru: build, construct, establish, found
建設中: kensetsuchuu: under construction <<<
建設的: kensetsuteki: constructive, positive <<<
建設者: kensetsusha: constructor, builder, founder <<<
建設費: kensetsuhi: construction cost <<<
建設省: kensetsushou: Ministry of Construction <<<
建設工事: kensetsukouji: construction works <<< 工事
建設現場: kensetsugenba: construction site <<< 現場
建設会社: kensetsugaisha: building company <<< 会社
建設用地: kensetsuyouchi: building lot (site)
ダムを建設する: damuokensetsusuru: build [construct] a dam <<< ダム
check also: 建築


pronunciation: kenshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: martial art
translation: swordsman
名剣士: meikenshi: good swordsman <<< , 剣豪

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Last update: 17/04/24 15:39