Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 準備,順調,巡業,純情,巡回,循環,潤滑,純潔,巡航,殉教

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Direct access: 準備 , 順調 , 巡業 , 純情 , 巡回 , 循環 , 潤滑 , 純潔 , 巡航 , 殉教


pronunciation: junbi
kanji characters: ,
translation: preparation, preliminary
準備する: junbisuru: prepare, organize
準備が整う: junbigatotonou: be ready for <<<
準備品: junbihin: reserve stock <<<
準備金: junbikin: reserve fund <<<
準備運動: junbiundou: tune-up, warm-up <<< 運動
準備委員会: junbiiinkai: arrangement [preparatory] committee
準備委員: junbiiin: member of arrangement [preparatory] committee <<< 委員
準備教育: junbikyouiku: preparatory education [coaching] <<< 教育
通貨準備: tsuukajunbi: monetary reserve <<< 通貨
食事を準備する: shokujiojunbisuru: prepare a meal, set [fix] the table <<< 食事
預金準備: yokinjunbi: deposit reserve <<< 預金
戦闘準備: sentoujunbi: preparation for action, fighting trim <<< 戦闘
受験の準備をする: jukennnojunbiosuru: prepare (oneself) for an entrance examination <<< 受験
synonyms: 支度 , 用意


pronunciation: junchou
kanji characters: , 調
translation: smoothness
順調な: junchouna: smooth, favorable
順調に: junchouni: smoothly, well, favorably
順調に成る: junchouninaru: take a favorable turn <<<
順調に行けば: junchouniikeba: if everything goes [comes out] well <<<
synonyms: 好調


pronunciation: jungyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: provincial tour, strolling of artists [players]
巡業する: jungyousuru: make a provincial tour, barnstorm
巡業団: jungyoudan: traveling company <<<
地方巡業: chihoujungyou: provincial tour <<< 地方
check also: 興行


pronunciation: junjou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: pure heart
純情さ: junjousa
純情な: junjouna: purehearted, naïve
synonyms: 純真


pronunciation: junkai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security
translation: round, patrol (n.), tour, rotation, itinerancy
巡回の: junkaino: itinerant, traveling
巡回する: junkaisuru: go round, patrol (v.), rotate
巡回区域: junkaikuiki: one's beat <<< 区域
巡回大使: junkaitaishi: roving ambassador <<< 大使
巡回講演: junkaikouen: lecturing tour <<< 講演
巡回診療所: junkaishinryousho: traveling clinic
巡回図書館: junkaitoshokan: traveling library
巡回裁判所: junkaisaibansho: circuit court <<< 裁判所
synonyms: パトロール


pronunciation: junkan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: circulation
循環する: junkansuru: circulate, rotate, incur
循環が良い: jungangaii: have a good circulation (of) <<<
循環が悪い: junkangawarui: have a bad circulation (of) <<<
循環的: junkanteki: circulatory, cyclic, cyclical, recurring, periodic <<<
循環期: junkanki: a cycle <<<
循環線: junkansen: loop line <<<
循環曲線: junkankyokusen: recurring curve <<< 曲線
循環系等: junkankeitou: circulating system
循環小数: junkanshousuu: recurring [circulating] decimals <<< 小数
循環級数: junkankyuusuu: recurring [circulating] series
循環論法: junkanronpou: circular argument
循環道路: junkandouro: circular road <<< 道路
循環バス: junkanbasu: loop-line bus <<< バス
悪循環: akujunkan: vicious circle, bad circulation <<<
景気循環: keikijunkan: business cycle <<< 景気


pronunciation: junkatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: lubrication
潤滑にする: junkatsunisuru: lubricate
潤滑油: junkatsuyu: lubricating oil, lubricant, lube oil, lubricator <<<
潤滑剤: junkatsuzai <<<


pronunciation: junketsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: purity, chastity, virginity
純潔な: junketsuna: pure, clean, unspotted, chaste
純潔を失う: junketsuoushinau: lose [be deprived of] one's virginity [virgin purity], be deflowered <<<
純潔を奪われる: junketsuoubawareru <<<
純潔を守る: junketsuomamoru: keep the chastity <<<
synonyms: 純情 , 処女


pronunciation: junkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: cruise (n.)
巡航する: junkousuru: cruise (v.)
巡航船: junkousen: cruising ship <<<
巡航速度: junkousokudo: cruising speed <<< 速度
巡航ミサイル: junkoumisairu: cruise missile <<< ミサイル


pronunciation: junkyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: martyrdom
殉教する: junkyousuru: die a martyr
殉教者: junkyousha: martyr <<<
殉教者列伝: junkyousharetsuden: Martyrologium

The displayed words on this page are 2804 - 2813 among 8769.
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Last update: 17/04/24 15:39