Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 神様,剃刀,過密,神業,髪結,鴨居,科目,貨物,缶詰,仮名

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Direct access: 神様 , 剃刀 , 過密 , 神業 , 髪結 , 鴨居 , 科目 , 貨物 , 缶詰 , 仮名


pronunciation: kamisama
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: dear God, virtuoso, master
神様にお祈りする: kamisamanioinorisuru: pray to dear God <<<
check also: 名人


pronunciation: kamisori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: tool
translation: razor
剃刀を当てる: kamisorioateru: shave (v.), have a shave <<<
剃刀を研ぐ: kamisoriotogu: sharpen a razor, strop a razor <<<
剃刀負けする: kamisorimakesuru: have the barber's itch <<<
剃刀の様な: kamisorinoyouna: razor-sharp <<<
剃刀の刃: kamisorinoha: razor wire, razor blade <<<
剃刀砥: kamisoritogi: razor grinder, razorstrop <<<
安全剃刀: anzenkamisori: safety razor <<< 安全
check also: 髭剃


pronunciation: kamitsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: tightness
過密な: kamitsuna: tight
過密都市: kamitsutoshi, <<< 都市
過密ダイヤ: kamitsudaiya: tight schedule for railway transportation <<< ダイヤ


pronunciation: kamiwaza
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: work of God, miracle, superhuman feat
synonyms: 奇跡


pronunciation: kamiyui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: ladies' hairdresser [hairdressing], coiffeur
髪結床: kamiyuidoko: hair salon, beauty [barber] salon <<<
check also: 美容


pronunciation: kamoi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: upper threshold, lintel
antonyms: 敷居


pronunciation: kamoku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 課目
keyword: school
translation: subject, course, curriculum
全科目: zenkamoku: all the subjects, whole course <<<
必修科目: hisshuukamoku: compulsory course, required course [subject] <<< 必修
選択科目: sentakukamoku: elective [optional] subject <<< 選択
試験科目: shikenkamoku: subject for examination <<< 試験
教養科目: kyouyoukamoku: culture subjects, liberal arts and science <<< 教養
専攻科目: senkoukamoku: special study, major <<< 専攻
受験科目: jukenkamoku: subjects of examination <<< 受験
check also: 課題


pronunciation: kamotsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: freight, cargo
貨物を積む: kamotsuotsumu: load <<<
貨物を降ろ: sukamotsuoorosu: unload <<<
貨物駅: kamotsueki: freight station <<<
貨物船: kamotsusen: cargo ship <<<
貨物機: kamotsuki: cargo plane <<<
貨物列車: kamotsuressha: freight train <<< 列車
貨物運送: kamotsuunsou: freight transport <<< 運送
貨物輸送: kamotsuyusou <<< 輸送
貨物輸送機: kamotsuyusouki: cargo [freight] plane <<<
貨物輸送料: kamotsuyusouryou: freight rates <<<
貨物運賃: kamotsuunchin <<< 運賃
通過貨物: tsuukakamotsu: transit goods <<< 通過
check also: 荷物


pronunciation: kanZume
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: canned food, canning, tinning
缶詰にする: kanZumenisuru: can (v.), pack, confine, lock up (in a room)
缶詰に成る: kanZumeninaru: be packed [confined] <<<
缶詰を開ける: kanZumeoakeru: open a can <<<
缶詰工場: kanZumekoujou: cannery, packing plant <<< 工場
缶詰業者: kanZumegyousha: canner, packer, tinner <<< 業者
缶詰工業: kanZumekougyou: canning [packing] industry <<< 工業
check also: 瓶詰


pronunciation: kana
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: Japanese phonetic characters, Japanese alphabet
仮名で書く: kanadekaku: write in Japanese alphabet <<<
仮名を振る: kanaohuru: put close to a Chinese character the reading in Japanese alphabet <<<
振り仮名: hurigana: Japanese alphabet attached to Chinese characters (to show how to read them)
仮名使い: kanaZukai: use of Japanese alphabet <<< 使
平仮名: hiragana: Japanese Hiragana characters <<<
片仮名: katakana: Japanese Katakana characters <<<
check also: 漢字

The displayed words on this page are 3209 - 3218 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29