Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 鉄道,哲学,手付,徹夜,撤退,徹底,鉄槌,手打,賭場,賭博

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Direct access: 鉄道 , 哲学 , 手付 , 徹夜 , 撤退 , 徹底 , 鉄槌 , 手打 , 賭場 , 賭博


pronunciation: tetsudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: railroad, railway
鉄道を敷く: tetsudouoshiku: lay (construct, build) a railroad <<<
鉄道網: tetsudoumou: railroad network <<<
鉄道員: tetsudouin: railroad worker, railroader <<<
鉄道駅: tetsudoueki: train station <<<
鉄道輸送: tetsudouyusou: railway transportation <<< 輸送
鉄道運賃: tetsudouunchin: railway fares <<< 運賃
鉄道旅客: tetsudouryokyaku: railway passenger <<< 旅客
鉄道工事: tetsudoukouji: railway work <<< 工事
鉄道会社: tetsudougaisha: railroad company <<< 会社
鉄道事故: tetsudoujiko: railway accident <<< 事故
高速鉄道: kousokutetsudou: high-speed railroad [railway] <<< 高速
東武鉄道: toubutetsudou: Tobu railway (private railway connecting north-eastern suburb of Tokyo) <<< 東武
西武鉄道: seibutetsudou: Seibu railway (private railway connecting western suburb of Tokyo) <<< 西武
市街鉄道: shigaitetsudou: street railway, tramway <<< 市街
登山鉄道: tozantetsudou: mountain railway <<< 登山
狭軌鉄道: kyoukitetsudou: narrow-gauge railroad <<< 狭軌
広軌鉄道: koukitetsudou: broad-gauge railroad <<< 広軌
シベリア鉄道: shiberiatetsudou: Siberian Railroad [Railway] <<< シベリア


pronunciation: tetsugaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science , philosophy
translation: philosophy
哲学の: tetsugakuno: philosophic, philosophical
哲学的: tetsugakuteki <<<
哲学的に: tetsugakutekini: philosophically
哲学する: tetsugakusuru: philosophize
哲学者: tetsugakusha: philosopher <<<
哲学博士: tetsugakuhakushi <<< 博士
哲学史: tetsugakushi: history of philosophy <<<
宗教哲学: shuukyoutetsugaku: philosophy of religion <<< 宗教
人生哲学: jinseitetsugaku: philosophy of life <<< 人生
純正哲学: junseitetsugaku: metaphysics <<< 純正
批判哲学: hihantetsugaku: criticism <<< 批判
ギリシャ哲学: girishatetsugaku: Greek philosophy <<< ギリシャ
インド哲学: indotetsugaku: Indian philosophy <<< インド


pronunciation: tetsuke
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: earnest [bargain] money, deposit, payment on account, down payment
手付金: tetsukekin <<<
手付金を払う: tetsukekinnoharau: pay earnest money, make a deposit [a down payment] <<<
手付金を打つ: tetsukekinnoutsu <<<
check also: 頭金 , 前金


pronunciation: tetsuya
kanji characters: ,
translation: night without sleep
徹夜する: tetsuyasuru: sit [stay, be] up all night, keep vigil
徹夜で: tetsuyade: all night
徹夜で仕事する: tetsuyadeshigotosuru: sit up all night working, work all night <<< 仕事


pronunciation: tettai
kanji characters: , 退
keyword: war
translation: withdrawal, evacuation
撤退する: tettaisuru: withdraw, evacuate, retreat, pull out
撤退命令: tettaimeirei: evacuation order <<< 命令
check also: 撤収 , 撤兵


pronunciation: tettei
kanji characters: ,
translation: completeness, exhaustiveness
徹底する: tetteisuru: be thorough (exhaustive), be brought (driven) home, be consistent
徹底的: tetteiteki: thorough, complete, exhaustive <<<
徹底した: tetteishita
徹底的に: tetteitekini: thoroughly, completely, exhaustively, through and through


pronunciation: tettsui
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 鉄鎚
keyword: tool
translation: iron hammer
鉄槌を下す: tettsuiokudasu: give [deal] a crushing [heavy] blow (to) <<<
check also: 金鎚 , ハンマー


pronunciation: teuchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , crime
translation: reconciliation, execution
手打にする: teuchinisuru: strike a bargain, put (a person) to the sword in person
手打式: teuchishiki: closing ceremony, peacemaking ceremony <<<
手打蕎麦: teuchisoba: handmade buckwheat vermicelli <<< 蕎麦


pronunciation: toba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: game
translation: gambling place [house], casino
check also: カジノ


pronunciation: tobaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: game
translation: gambling, gaming
賭博する: tobakusuru: gamble (v.)
賭博場: tobakujou: gambling place [house], casino <<< , カジノ
賭博人: tobakunin: gambler <<<
賭博黙示録カイジ: tobakumokushirokukaiji: Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji (a Japanese manga of Nobuyuki Fukumoto, 1996-now)
synonyms: 博打 , ギャンブル

The displayed words on this page are 7889 - 7898 among 8769.
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Last update: 17/04/24 15:39