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割礼pronunciation: katsureikanji characters: 割 , 礼 keyword: religion translation: circumcision 割礼する: katsureisuru: circumcise 割礼祭: katsureisai: The Circumcision <<< 祭 活力pronunciation: katsuryokukanji characters: 活 , 力 translation: vitality, vital energy, vigor 活力に溢れる: katsuryokuniahureru: full of life, vigorous, dynamic, energetic <<< 溢 check also: エネルギー 活躍pronunciation: katsuyakukanji characters: 活 , 躍 keyword: life translation: (great) activity, action, boom 活躍する: katsuyakusuru: play an active part [an important role] (in), be active (in) check also: 活動 活用pronunciation: katsuyoukanji characters: 活 , 用 keyword: grammar translation: practical use [application], inflection, conjugation, declension 活用する: katsuyousuru: put (knowledge) to practical use, make the most [best] of, apply, inflect, conjugate, decline 活用語: katsuyougo: inflective words <<< 語
褐炭pronunciation: kattankanji characters: 褐 , 炭 keyword: energy translation: brown coal, lignite check also: 石炭 勝手pronunciation: kattekanji characters: 勝 , 手 keyword: house translation: kitchen, circumstances, condition, private arrangements 勝手な: kattena: selfish, self-willed, willful 勝手に: katteni: at one's pleasure, as one pleases [likes], at one's convenience, selfishly, willfully, voluntarily, without leave, at one's discretion, arbitrarily, freely 勝手の良い: kattenoii: convenient, handy <<< 良 勝手の悪い: kattenowarui: inconvenient, not handy <<< 悪 勝手にしろ: kattenishiro: please yourself 勝手向き: kattemuki: circumstance, situation <<< 向 勝手口: katteguchi: kitchen door, back door <<< 口 勝手道具: kattedougu: kitchen appliance <<< 道具 身勝手: migatte: egoist <<< 身 気儘勝手: kimamakatte <<< 気儘 自分勝手: jibunkatte: selfishness, egoism <<< 自分 自分勝手の: jibunkatteno: selfish, egoist <<< 自分 手前勝手: temaekatte: selfishness, egoism <<< 手前 手前勝手な: temaekattena: selfish, willful, self-interested, egoistic <<< 手前 check also: 台所 , 放題 葛藤pronunciation: kattoukanji characters: 葛 , 藤 translation: complications, discord, trouble 葛藤を起こす: kattouookosu: give rise to complications, breed discord, get into trouble (with a person) <<< 起 川岸pronunciation: kawagishikanji characters: 川 , 岸 keyword: nature translation: riverbank, bank of a river 川岸に: kawagishini: on the riverbank 川岸で: kawagishide 川岸を散歩する: kawagishiosanposuru: walk along the riverbank <<< 散歩 check also: 河岸 川口pronunciation: kawaguchikanji characters: 川 , 口 keyword: nature , japan translation: mouth of river, estuary 川口市: kawaguchishi: City of Kawaguchi <<< 市 check also: 河口 革靴pronunciation: kawagutsukanji characters: 革 , 靴 keyword: footwear translation: leather shoes
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