Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 規定,汽笛,起点,機転,危篤,気筒,祈祷,喫煙,着付,啄木鳥

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Direct access: 規定 , 汽笛 , 起点 , 機転 , 危篤 , 気筒 , 祈祷 , 喫煙 , 着付 , 啄木鳥


pronunciation: kitei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law , sport
translation: prescription, regulation, provisions, stipulations
規定の: kiteino: regular, prescribed, ordained
規定通りの: kiteitoorino: prescribed, regulatory <<<
規定する: kiteisuru: provide, prescribe, ordain
規定に反する: kiteinihansuru: be against the rule <<<
規定を破る: kiteioyaburu: break [violate] the rule <<<
規定に従う: kiteinishitagau: comply with the rule <<<
規定料金: kiteiryoukin: regulation [standard] charge <<< 料金
規定種目: kiteishumoku: compulsory exercises [figures] <<< 種目
服装規定: hukusoukitei: dress code <<< 服装
職務規定: shokumukitei: office regulations [instructions], work rules <<< 職務
服務規定: hukumukitei: service regulations <<< 服務
check also: 規則


pronunciation: kiteki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train , ship
translation: steam whistle, siren, hooter
汽笛を鳴らす: kitekionarasu: whistle (v.), give [blow, sound] a steam whistle <<<
synonyms: 警笛 , サイレン


pronunciation: kiten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: starting point
起点とする: kitentosuru: start from
check also: 終点


pronunciation: kiten
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 気転
translation: wit, tact
機転の利く: kitennnokiku: quick-witted, ready-witted, tactful <<<
機転が利く: kitengakiku: be quick-witted [ready-witted, tactful], have quick wits
機転の利かない: kitennnokikanai: slow-witted, dull-witted
機転が利かない: kitengakikanai: be slow-witted [dull-witted], have slow wits
機転を利かす: kitennokikasu: take the hint
check also: 機知


pronunciation: kitoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , life
translation: critical illness
危篤の: kitokuno: dying, seriously ill, critical
危篤に陥る: kitokuniochiiru: fall into a dangerous condition <<<
危篤状態: kitokujoutai: critical condition <<< 状態
check also: 臨終


pronunciation: kitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car
translation: cylinder
四気筒: yonkitou: four cylinders <<<
四気筒のモーター: yonkitounomootaa: four-cylinder engine <<< モーター
六気筒: rokkitou: six cylinders <<<
六気筒のモーター: rokkitounomootaa: six-cylinder engine <<< モーター
check also: シリンダー


pronunciation: kitou
kanji characters:
keyword: religion
translation: prayer
祈祷する: kitousuru: pray, say one's prayers, offer a prayer
神に祈祷する: kaminikitousuru: call on God <<<
祈祷師: kitoushi: faith curer, shaman, medicine man <<< , シャマン
祈祷者: kitousha: prayer <<<
祈祷書: kitousho: prayer book <<<
祈祷療法: kitouryouhou: faith healing <<< 療法


pronunciation: kitsuen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: smoking
喫煙する: kitsuensuru: smoke (tobacco, pipe), have a smoke
喫煙室: kitsuenshitsu: smoking room <<<
喫煙者: kitsuensha: smoker <<<
喫煙車: kitsuensha: smoking car <<<
喫煙所: kitsuensho: smoking lounge <<<
喫煙禁止: kitsuenkinshi: No smoking <<< 禁止
受動喫煙: judoukitsuen: passive smoking <<< 受動
check also: 煙草 , スモーキング


pronunciation: kitsuke
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: fitting, dressing, one's manner of dress
着付が旨い: kitsukegaumai: dress oneself well <<<
着付が上手: kitsukegajouzu <<< 上手
着付が拙い: kitsukegamazui: dress oneself badly <<<
着付が下手: kitsukegaheta <<< 下手
着付をしてやる: kitsukeoshiteyaru: dress (v.)
着付を手伝う: kitsukeotetsudau: help dress herself <<< 手伝
着付師: kitsukeshi: dresser <<<


pronunciation: kitsutsuki
kanji characters: , ,
other spells: キツツキ
keyword: bird
translation: woodpecker

The displayed words on this page are 3934 - 3943 among 8769.
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Last update: 17/04/24 15:39