Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 現地,幻聴,現代,限度,減額,言語,源五郎,元号,源氏,現実

This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by Free Light Software and contains Japanese words, composed of 2 or more Kanji characters. If you have any questions on Japan or Japanese language, please post your messages to our Japanese forum. The list of abbreviation should be also helpful.

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Direct access: 現地 , 幻聴 , 現代 , 限度 , 減額 , 言語 , 源五郎 , 元号 , 源氏 , 現実


pronunciation: genchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: spot, field
現地の: genchino: local
現地で: genchide: on the spot [scene]
現地採用: genchisaiyou: employment of locals <<< 採用
現地時間: genchijikan: local time <<< 時間
現地生産: genchiseisan: local production <<< 生産
現地調査: genchichousa: field survey [investigation] <<< 調査
現地調査をする: genchichousaosuru: make a field survey [investigation]
現地調達: genchichoutatsu: procurement in the field
現地報告: genchihoukoku: spot report <<< 報告
現地放送: genchihousou: on-the-spot broadcast <<< 放送
check also: 当地


pronunciation: genchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: auditory hallucination


pronunciation: gendai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ヒュンダイ (a Korean company)
keyword: calendar
translation: nowadays, modern, contemporary, Hyundai (a Korean company)
現代の: gendaino: modern, present-day, of today [the day]
現代的: gendaiteki <<<
現代では: gendaideha: these days, nowadays
現代化: gendaika: modernization <<<
現代化する: gendaikasuru: modernize
現代風: gendaihuu: modernism, prevailing taste <<<
現代人: gendaijin: modern man <<<
現代史: gendaishi: contemporary [modern] history <<<
現代文: gendaibun: contemporary writings, current style <<<
現代語: gendaigo: living language <<<
現代作家: gendaisakka: contemporary writer <<< 作家
現代文学: gendaibungaku: current literature <<< 文学
現代思想: gendaishisou: modern ideas, contemporary thought <<< 思想
check also: 今日 , 近代 , 現在


pronunciation: gendo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology
translation: limit, bounds, maximum
限度とする: gendotosuru: be limited
限度に達する: gendonitassuru: reach the limit, max <<<
限度を超える: gendookoeru: exceed the limit <<<
限度を定める: gendoosadameru: set a limit <<<
最高限度: saikougendo: the highest limit, the maximum <<< 最高
検出限度: kenshutsugendo: detection capability [limit] <<< 検出
貸付限度: kashitsukegendo: credit limit <<< 貸付
上昇限度: joushougendo: ceiling <<< 上昇
check also: 上限 , 限界


pronunciation: gengaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: cut, reduction
減額する: gengakusuru: reduce, cut down, diminish
check also: 値引


pronunciation: gengo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: language, speech, tongue
言語の: gengono: linguistic
言語上: gengojou <<<
言語に絶する: gengonizessuru: be beyond description [words] <<<
言語を慎む: gengootsutsushimu: be careful in speech, weigh one's words <<<
言語学: gengogaku: linguistics <<<
言語学者: gengogakusha: linguist <<< 学者
言語教育: gengokyouiku: language teaching <<< 教育
言語障害: gengoshougai: speech defect <<< 障害
言語不随: gengohuzui: aphasia
言語中枢: gengochuusuu: speech center <<< 中枢
言語道断: gengodoudan: outrageous, unacceptable
共通言語: kyoutsuugengo: common language <<< 共通
身振り言語: miburigengo: body language <<< 身振り
屈折言語: kussetsugengo: inflecting [inflected] language <<< 屈折
視覚言語: shikakugengo: visual language <<< 視覚
プログラム言語: puroguramugengo: programming language <<< プログラム
コンピューター言語: konpyuutaagengo: computer language <<< コンピューター
ジャバ言語: jabagengo <<< ジャバ
check also: 言葉


pronunciation: gengorou
kanji characters: , ,
other spells: ゲンゴロウ
keyword: insect
translation: water [diving] beetle, Dytiscidae


pronunciation: gengou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: (Japanese) imperial calendar


pronunciation: genji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , japan
translation: Minamoto clan
源氏物語: genjimonogatari: Tale of Genji <<< 物語
check also: Genji


pronunciation: genjitsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: reality, actuality
現実の: genjitsuno: real, actual, concrete, substantial
現実的: genjitsuteki: realistic <<<
現実性: genjitsusei: reality, actuality <<<
現実する: genjitsusuru: realize, actualize, materialize
現実化: genjitsuka: realization, actualization, materialization <<<
現実味: genjitsumi: touches (flavor) of real life <<<
現実感: genjitsukan: sense of reality, realism <<<
現実主義: genjitsushugi: realism <<< 主義
現実主義者: genjitsushugisha: realist <<<
非現実的: higenjitsuteki: impracticable, unrealistic, unreal, fantastic, quixotic, quixotical
仮想現実: kasougenjitsu: virtual reality <<< 仮想

The displayed words on this page are 1187 - 1196 among 8769.
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Last update: 17/04/24 15:39