Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 航海,公開,後悔,広角,降格,高官,交歓,好感,交換,狡猾

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Direct access: 航海 , 公開 , 後悔 , 広角 , 降格 , 高官 , 交歓 , 好感 , 交換 , 狡猾


pronunciation: koukai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel , ship
translation: navigation
航海する: koukaisuru: navigate
航海の: koukaino: nautical
航海中: koukaichuu: be on a voyage, be at sea <<<
航海に耐える: koukainitaeru: be seaworthy <<<
航海士: koukaishi: navigator, mate <<<
航海長: koukaichou: navigating officer <<<
航海術: koukaijutsu: art of navigation <<<
航海図: koukaizu: (navigation) chart <<<
航海地図: koukaichizu <<< 地図
航海日誌: koukainisshi: logbook
遠洋航海: ennyoukoukai: ocean voyage, long cruise <<< 遠洋
沿岸航海: engankoukai: coastal shipping <<< 沿岸
処女航海: shojokoukai: maiden voyage <<< 処女


pronunciation: koukai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media , market
translation: exhibition, release (n.), opening
公開の: koukaino: open (a.), public
公開する: koukaisuru: exhibit, release (v.), open to the public
公開状: koukaijou: open letter <<<
公開入札: koukainyuusatsu: open bid <<< 入札
公開買付け: koukaikaitsuke: takeover bid, TOB
公開市場: koukaishijou: open market <<< 市場
公開論争: koukaironsou: public debate <<< 論争
公開討論: koukaitouron
公開講座: koukaikouza: extension lecture <<< 講座
公開講義: koukaikougi <<< 講義
公開講演: koukaikouen: public lecture <<< 講演
公開演説: koukaienzetsu: public speech <<< 演説
非公開の: hikoukaino: private, closed <<<
株式公開: kabushikikoukai: initial public offering, IPO <<< 株式


pronunciation: koukai
kanji characters: ,
translation: repentance, remorse, regret (n.), penitence
後悔する: koukaisuru: regret (v.), repent, be sorry, be regretful
後悔した: koukaishita: remorseful, repentant
後悔先に立たず: koukaisakinitatazu: It's no use crying over spilt milk


pronunciation: koukaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: wide angle
広角レンズ: koukakurenzu: wide-angle lens <<< レンズ
check also: 望遠


pronunciation: koukaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: demotion
降格する: koukakusuru: fall in rank, be demoted
check also: 昇格


pronunciation: koukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: high-ranking official


pronunciation: koukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: exchange of courtesies [greetings,good wishes]
交歓する: koukansuru: exchange courtesies [greetings,good wishes] (with)


pronunciation: koukan
kanji characters: ,
translation: good [friendly] feelings, good will, favorable impression
好感を与える: koukannoataeru: impress a person favorably, make a good impression on (a person) <<<
好感持つ: koukannomotsu: feel friendly (toward) <<<
好感抱く: koukannoidaku <<<


pronunciation: koukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , finance
translation: exchange (n.), interchange, permutation
交換する: koukansuru: exchange (v.), barter, change (v.), permute
交換手: koukanshu: telephone operator <<<
交換台: koukandai: switchboard <<<
交換所: koukanjo: clearing house <<<
交換学生: koukangakusei: exchange student <<< 学生
交換条件: koukanjouken: bargaining point <<< 条件
交換価値: koukankachi: exchange value <<< 価値
交換物資: koukanbusshi: barter goods <<< 物資
交換レート: koukanreeto: exchange rate <<< レート
交換レンズ: koukanrenzu: interchangeable lens <<< レンズ
手形交換: tegatakoukan: clearing <<< 手形
覚書の交換: oboegakinokoukan: exchange of notes <<< 覚書
覚書を交換する: oboegakiokoukansuru: exchange notes <<< 覚書
意見を交換する: ikennokoukansuru: exchange views <<< 意見
意見交換: ikenkoukan: exchange of views <<< 意見
現物交換: genbutsukoukan: barter <<< 現物
情報交換: jouhoukoukan: information exchange, sharing of information <<< 情報
エールを交換する: eeruokoukansuru: yell (v.) <<< エール
リンク交換: rinkukoukan: link exchange <<< リンク
オイル交換: oirukoukan: oil change <<< オイル
synonyms: 引換


pronunciation: koukatsu
kanji characters:
translation: cunning, craftiness, slyness, artfulness
狡猾な: koukatsuna: cunning, leery
狡猾に立ち回る: koukatsunitachimawaru: act craftily

The displayed words on this page are 4244 - 4253 among 8769.
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Last update: 17/04/24 15:39