Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 仏像,部族,白虎,白夜,屏風,平等,病院,病弱,病状,病気

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Direct access: 仏像 , 部族 , 白虎 , 白夜 , 屏風 , 平等 , 病院 , 病弱 , 病状 , 病気


pronunciation: butsuzou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism
translation: statue of Buddha


pronunciation: buzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , geography
translation: tribe
部族の: buzokuno: tribal
部族民: buzokumin: tribesman <<<
部族国家: buzokukokka: tribal state <<< 国家
部族地域: buzokuchiiki: tribal area <<< 地域


pronunciation: byakko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: white tiger (one of 4 Chinese cardinal symbols)
白虎隊: byakkotai: White Tiger Regiment (a group of young samurais who defended Aizu Castle in 1868) <<<


pronunciation: byakuya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: astronomy , calendar
translation: white night


pronunciation: byoubu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: folding screen
屏風を立てる: byoubuotateru: set up a screen <<<
屏風の様な: byoubunoyouna: sheer, precipitous <<<
屏風岩: byoubuiwa: huge wall-like rock <<<
金屏風: kinbyoubu: golden folding screen <<<
二枚屏風: nimaibyoubu: double-leaf screen <<< 二枚
南蛮屏風: nanbanbyoubu: folding screen of western picture <<< 南蛮
synonyms: 衝立


pronunciation: byoudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: equality, evenness
平等な: byoudouna: equal, even (a.), impartial
平等に: byoudouni: equally, impartially
平等にする: byoudounisuru: equalize, even (v.)
平等化: byoudouka: equalization <<<
平等主義: byoudoushugi: egalitarianism <<< 主義
平等院: byoudouin: Byodoin Temple <<<
check also: Byodoin


pronunciation: byouin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: hospital
病院に入る: byouinnnihairu: go into hospital <<<
病院に入れる: byouinnniireru: send a person to hospital
病院に居る: byouinnniiru: be in hospital <<<
病院に通う: byouinnnikayou: attend a hospital <<<
病院長: byouinchou: director of hospital <<<
病院船: byouinsen: hospital ship <<<
外科病院: gekabyouin: surgery <<< 外科
陸軍病院: rikugunbyouin: military hospital <<< 陸軍
総合病院: sougoubyouin: general hospital <<< 総合
救急病院: kyuukyuubyouin: emergency hospital <<< 救急
国立病院: kokuritsubyouin: national hospital <<< 国立
大学病院: daigakubyouin: university hospital <<< 大学
精神病院: seishinbyouin: psychiatric hospital <<< 精神
海軍病院: kaigunbyouin: naval hospital <<< 海軍
胃腸病院: ichoubyouin: hospital for the stomach and bowels <<< 胃腸
気違い病院: kichigaibyouin: mental hospital <<< 気違い
家畜病院: kachikubyouin: veterinary hospital <<< 家畜
動物病院: doubutsubyouin: veterinary clinic <<< 動物
歯科病院: shikabyouin: dental clinic [hospital] <<< 歯科
緊急病院: kinkyuubyouin: emergency hospital <<< 緊急
check also: 医院


pronunciation: byoujaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: infirmity, invalidity
病弱な: byoujakuna: infirm, sickly, invalid, weak


pronunciation: byoujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: condition of a disease [patient], symptoms, clinical picture
病状が悪化する: byoujougaakkasuru: take a turn for the worse <<< 悪化
synonyms: 症状


pronunciation: byouki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: illness, sickness
病気な: byoukina: sick, ill
病気の: byoukino
病気勝ちの: byoukigachino: sickly <<<
病気に罹る: byoukinikakaru: fall [get, be taken] ill, take sick <<<
病気に成る: byoukininaru <<<
病気が治る: byoukiganaoru: get well [better], recover from one's illness <<<
病気を治す: byoukionaosu: cure, heal, remedy
病気を移す: byoukioutsusu: transmit disease <<<
病気を拗らす: byoukiokojirasu: have complications <<<
病気届: byoukitodoke: report of illness, sick-report <<<
病気欠席: byoukikesseki: absence due to illness <<< 欠席
病気休暇: byoukikyuuka: sick leave <<< 休暇
病気見舞: byoukimimai: visit to a sick person <<< 見舞
重い病気: omoibyouki: serious [severe] sickness [illness] <<< , 重病
軽い病気: karuibyouki: slight illness [sickness] <<<
頑固な病気: gankonabyouki: inveterate disease <<< 頑固

The displayed words on this page are 424 - 433 among 8769.
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Last update: 17/04/24 15:39