Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 麻疹,破損,発生,発車,発射,発疹,発信,発想,発送,破水

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Direct access: 麻疹 , 破損 , 発生 , 発車 , 発射 , 発疹 , 発信 , 発想 , 発送 , 破水


pronunciation: hashika , mashin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: measles
麻疹に罹る: hashikanikakaru: catch [have] the measles <<<


pronunciation: hason
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology
translation: damage, injury, breakdown
破損する: hasonsuru: be damaged, be broken, be out of order
破損し易い: hasonshiyasui: easy to break, fragile <<<
破損箇所: hasonkasho: damaged part, breach <<< 箇所
synonyms: 損傷 , 損害


pronunciation: hassei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , weather
translation: occurrence, outbreak, appearance, generation
発生する: hasseisuru: take place, occur, break out, appear, generate, accrue
発生の: hasseino: genetic, genetical
発生上の: hasseijouno <<<
発生的: hasseiteki <<<
発生学: hasseigaku: embryology <<<
発生地: hasseichi: place of origin, birthplace, cradle <<<
発生器: hasseiki: generator <<<
系統発生: keitouhassei: phylogeny <<< 系統
前線発生: zensenhassei: frontogenesis <<< 前線
集団発生: shuudanhassei: mass outbreak <<< 集団
同時発生: doujihassei: simultaneity, simultaneousness, synchronism <<< 同時


pronunciation: hassha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: departure
発車する: hasshasuru: depart, start, leave
発車係: hasshagakari: starter <<<
発車時間: hasshajikan: time for departure <<< 時間
発車信号: hasshashingou: starting signal <<< 信号
発車ホーム: hasshahoomu: departure platform <<< ホーム
発車のベル: hasshanoberu: bell for departure <<< ベル
見切発車する: mikirihasshasuru: give up, abandon, wash one's hands of <<< 見切


pronunciation: hassha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , war
translation: launch (n.), shot (n.), blastoff
発射する: hasshasuru: launch (v.), shot (v.), blast off, hurtle
発射台: hasshadai: launching pad <<<
発射場: hasshajou: launching site <<<
発射基地: hasshakichi: launching base <<< 基地
発射試験: hasshashiken: launching test <<< 試験
発射装置: hasshasouchi: launcher <<< 装置
魚雷を発射する: gyoraiohasshasuru: launch a torpedo <<< 魚雷
実弾を発射する: jitsudannohasshasuru: fire ball cartridge <<< 実弾
ミサイルを発射する: misairuohasshasuru: launch a missile <<< ミサイル
ミサイル発射: misairuhassha: missile launching <<< ミサイル
カタパルトで発射する: kataparutodehasshasuru: catapult (v.) <<< カタパルト


pronunciation: hasshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: eruption, rash
発疹性の: hasshinseino: eruptive <<<
発疹チフス: hasshinchihusu: (eruptive) typhus


pronunciation: hasshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: dispatch (n.), telegraph, wire
発信する: hasshinsuru: post [send, dispatch] a letter, dispatch a message, telegraph, wire
発信音: hasshinon: dial tone, signal <<<
発信機: hasshinki: transmitter <<<
発信局: hasshinkyoku: sending office [station] <<<
発信地: hasshinchi: place of dispatch <<<
発信人: hasshinnnin: addresser, sender <<<
check also: 発電


pronunciation: hassou
kanji characters: ,
translation: idea
発想が良い: hassougaii: have a good idea <<< , 名案
check also: アイデア


pronunciation: hassou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: dispatching, forwarding, shipping, shipment
発送する: hassousuru: send out, dispatch (v.), forward, ship
発送地: hassouchi: forwarding [shipping] place <<<
発送駅: hassoueki: forwarding [shipping] station <<<
発送係: hassougakari: forwarding [shipping] clerk, mailing clerk <<<
発送人: hassounin: sender, shipper, mailer <<<
check also: 出荷


pronunciation: hasui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: amnion rupture
check also: 羊水

The displayed words on this page are 1663 - 1672 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29